Power Kite Forum

hq beamer

strictlycarved - 19-1-2008 at 03:09 PM

so i have a beamer 5.0 and i noticed the line ends were starting to fray, so my question is, why? is that common? and what lines should i replace them with. thanks in advance. ohh and i do use it for traction use on snow and land if that makes a difference.

Bladerunner - 19-1-2008 at 10:24 PM

can you post a picture ?

Is it possibly just the sleeve protecting the line that is fraying a bit ? You can buy sleeve kits if that is the issue.

strictlycarved - 19-1-2008 at 11:28 PM

no i dont have a camera but yes the sleeving is gone and the line is just down to a thread now. it is on the brake line. and really was wondering how to prevent this and what weight and brand lines should i get also length, and another question is the brake and the power look different sizes does that really matter?