Power Kite Forum

2 Line---> 4 Line?

NPWfever - 21-1-2008 at 04:04 PM

I have my 2 line 3m trainer that I would like to convert to 4 line, and increase the AoA. Anyone have any ideas? I never go out in wind that requires a 3m as it is scary but we have 4-5m wind alot so if I would increase that AoA a bit that would be great.

NPWfever - 21-1-2008 at 07:14 PM

NPW needs help!!!!! Please someone gimme a hand!!!!!! :smilegrin:

Pdxnebula - 22-1-2008 at 12:27 AM

A lot depends on the type of bridle setup & type... But just shortening the correct knots in the bridle will adjust the AoA, just make sure you dont shorten to much, or you'll stall the kite... Good Luck converting the kite to 4 line if its orginally a 2 line... No matter what I tried with the RUSH II 250, it was manufactured as a 2 line & just DOES NOT fly like one would think it should on 4 lines...