crazymanme2 - 23-1-2008 at 11:04 AM
I'm fairly new to kiting but I thought of this idea and wanted to bounce it off you experts.I have a 8.5 blaze.The best way to turn it is with the
brakes so why can't you hook the front lines to a pulley in the middle of the bar and the brakes to the outer ends of the bar.To turn you would either
pull the right or left side of bar and to apply both brakes to land you would pull bar down which would apply both brakes.I have the power ring mod
installed already which made a big difference.Yes I'm hooked to a harness with a release.
Thanks Craig
Kiteboarder2B - 23-1-2008 at 11:27 AM
Here's a thread on this
DAKITEZ - 23-1-2008 at 11:33 AM
HQ is releasing a x over bar for fixed bridles soon. Its going to be in the $100 range.
crazymanme2 - 23-1-2008 at 11:43 AM
What would happen if I hooked it up like in my diagram?
Kiteboarder2B - 23-1-2008 at 03:49 PM
Looks to me like you would only be turning with the brakes. To launch you would have to run backwards with your bar way out in front of you and even
then you have to twist your body so that you pull evenly on both main lines. any time you pull your bar in you would most likely stall the kite out.
crazymanme2 - 23-1-2008 at 04:32 PM
Thanks for your input.I think I'm going to try the handles with the pulleys.Just want to get this big bus to turn because it pulls like a truck and I
like the low wind capabilities.I'll just convert my Pansh handles.
Thank you everybody Craig
Bladerunner - 23-1-2008 at 04:44 PM
If you already have a bar you may want to try the crossover bar from the previous thread. It works pretty well on larger kites. Having said that I
prefer my largest fixed bridle ( 9m Blade ) to be on handles. It is my low wind kite and I like having that little extra individual brake control for
milking all I can out of it. I have my 7m Bullet on a bar but usually fly it in a bit more wind and like it.
I have gone back to handles on my smaller kites. There is a small amount of brake input from the extra weight and it really shows up on the smaller
kites in the low wind range.