Power Kite Forum

How to upload photos to the forum

pkf - 28-1-2008 at 01:58 AM

To add images to a post, do not use the quick reply form, but click the 'New Topic' or 'Post Reply' button at the page top (or bottom) instead. Use the 'Attachment' field at the bottom of the form to search for an image file on your hard drive, CD or digital camera. Select an image and submit the form. One image per post.

Picture 8.png - 2kB

pkf - 28-1-2008 at 02:06 AM

To add a second image, click the 'Post Reply' button and browse for a new image. Submit the form to add your post w/image.

Picture 9.png - 2kB

WELDNGOD - 21-2-2008 at 04:36 PM


SFCWood - 12-8-2011 at 01:50 AM

Is it normal NOT to be able to see the image when you click "Preview Post"? I tried it and could not see the image on the preview. I'm wondering if my pic was to large?

csa_deadon - 12-8-2011 at 02:27 AM

I do believe that it is normal not to be able to see your photo when you preview the post. If your photo is to large you will also see a message telling that the photo was to large.

SFCWood - 12-8-2011 at 04:11 AM

OK...Thanks for that...I'll get in down eventually! :eureka:

indigo_wolf - 12-8-2011 at 05:15 AM

I believe inline (hosted) images are displayed during preview.

However, attached images are not displayed until the post is actually finalized because the upload process doesn't happen until you "commit" the post.


SFCWood - 12-8-2011 at 06:14 AM

Copy that..Thanks Sam...

chudalicious - 12-8-2011 at 10:42 AM

Thanks for clairifying... funny thing is I am a web manager and this BB code really screws with me.
Just give me some regular old tags and I'd be good. :)