Power Kite Forum

Ozone Manta 2, FX, and XC fliers please read

tridude - 30-1-2008 at 06:24 AM

Just read this announcement and thought Id pass it along. Applicable on the 08 Manta 2, Frenzy FX, and Access XC depower bars. Good luck and safe flying.............


Baluk - 30-1-2008 at 06:31 AM

Ah, that kinda sucks - but at least they are recalling it.

leebrianh - 30-1-2008 at 09:36 AM

I just talked to Windzup (Ozone US Importer) and they said you can test it at home to make sure your bar is ok.

Basically, if the bar can handle 150kg load (two people hang on the bar) and it doesn't break, then you are fine and don't have to send the bar back.

That's what they do (150kg load test) when you send it back, so home testing can save shipping cost and waiting time.

tridude - 30-1-2008 at 10:27 AM

thats good news. Sounds like the Ozone boys need to get into NASCAR as well!:lol:

strictlycarved - 30-1-2008 at 10:32 AM

good one:lol: that sucks, so what do you guys think of the ozone xc. ive been looking at one for a while now.

USA_Eli_A - 30-1-2008 at 12:28 PM

you haven't got one yet?

awindofchange - 30-1-2008 at 04:11 PM

XC - Sweeeeeeeeeeeet kite!

macboy - 30-1-2008 at 08:50 PM

Ah crap.....my new XC will arrive next week (finally) and now I might have to wait to fly it? I'm gonna get in touch with the shop tomorrow and find out about the load test procedure - if it's that simple I'll do it myself here. I'll let you all know what I find out.

Kent - you've got/flown the XC? Do tell me what I'm looking forward to!

barnes - 3-2-2008 at 07:58 PM

Got the chance to ride the XC 6m. I felt underpowered even in the high winds we were getting. Then again, I'm just relearning depower and I have a tendency to stall, a lot.

MullerWindsports - 5-2-2008 at 09:01 PM

First of all MacBoy your XC is most likely fine. Email me to discuss keith@REMOVETHISgravsports.com. Any Canadian Ozone users can email me if they have any questions about where to ship their kite and how. I will be setting up a testing center.

macboy - 5-2-2008 at 09:47 PM

Hey Keith! Good to see you hit the forum finally - welcome to it! Hope you had safe travels. Thanks for the note of reassurance, I've been told the XC should be fine and will check it over once it arrives. I'll pop you an email when it comes in.


macboy - 7-2-2008 at 12:21 PM

Arrived today, looks to be the previous version bar so I'm good to go! Yippee!!!!!