Just out of curiosity which kite is liftier? A Pansh Ace or a Flexi Blade of the same size? I hear people talking about how lifty the Blade is and
something liftier than my Ace seems crazy. :oPablo - 2-2-2008 at 03:25 PM
Blade, undisputed lift king of the world, no contest.
You can get more lift from a large depowerable, but now you're going out with a lot more kite and counting on the depower to be able to hold it down
until liftoff, apples and oranges.Baluk - 2-2-2008 at 04:33 PM
Yea, safe to say liftiest fixed-bridle kite out there.USA_Eli_A - 2-2-2008 at 05:09 PM
I'll have to represent the HaKa then. My seven will kill anything.Baluk - 2-2-2008 at 07:23 PM
Oh go eat a pie, Elitridude - 3-2-2008 at 07:37 AM
Hype is hype but the Blade IVs are awesome. The latest blades lift but are so versatile with the adjustable AOA. You can dial it in for buggy, board
or static flying. So stable, turns very fast, and maintains its shape very well. Ive yet to fly my 6.5 on the liftiest setting, and have pulled of
some huge airs static and on the board. Expensive but worth the price! I owned a 5m Haka and it has issues.
In the 4/5m range from my experience
1) Blade IV 4.9
2) Bego 400 (not far off the 4.9)
3) CF 5
4) 5m Haka
5) 5m AcePablo - 3-2-2008 at 11:12 AM
Haka up against a Blade
I know Eli knows his stuff, I've seen Slawek in action, either way, it'll be a good show for the spectators.USA_Eli_A - 3-2-2008 at 01:13 PM
no doubt about it though, Blades are awesome. Swav gets mega lift with his blades. I gotta stick him on a haka so he can give it a review.
Buddy I gotta stay away from the pies. Holidays are over, so back to kashi and peanut butter....
Or i'll have to jump for xs buggy to sm buggy.
I find the small hakas very fast. So to slow things down and for a bit bigger air, I go manta or 7m haka....
But anymore, it's all good!tridude - 3-2-2008 at 08:16 PM
I understand the Haka was designed for freestyle buggying?NPWfever - 3-2-2008 at 08:29 PM
K so this means Nick needs the biggest Blade IV they make :Dzloty - 3-2-2008 at 09:07 PM
There is a reason top freestylers all over the world jump with Blades. I did pull few 25'+ high jumps and it scared crap out of me. Eli We should
make contest of You jumping with haka so I can jump over You . Last winter I did
jump lifeguard truck clearing only few inches above his surf board fin. I did try haka before and it is good kite but I would take blade IV any time.
4,9m is wicked in 18- 25mph super fast in the window allowing me to kite loop every time I want.In the end You can always take any lifty kite and
lunch it in to strong winds to make You feel like You'll never land. It's all about having balls and flying hours in Your pants. Two years ago I
wouldn't take 4.9 in 20mph when these days my buddy is rolling on 2-3m I fly 4.9... http://www.flickr.com/photos/loupiote/1977864957/in/photostr...Sthrasher38 - 4-2-2008 at 09:44 AM
I have a Blade 2 6.4 Very mean kite in big wind! It will lift and float you no problem. Blade 4s are awesome too even the smaller ones. About the Haka
I have not flown the smaller ones but I have seen KYTESLINGER on the end of a 9m.And he can bust some major air. I have also learned that big kite
does not always mean low wind kite.Certian styles have to have a min. amount of wind just to fly and anymore than that is to much So shop around.Blade
has my vote for most lift imo.USA_Eli_A - 4-2-2008 at 01:28 PM
challenge accepted swav...see you at SOBB in sept for the dual to the deathaction jackson - 4-2-2008 at 06:58 PM
Originally posted by USA_Eli_A
challenge accepted swav...see you at SOBB in sept for the dual to the death (if i can put down the pie for the next 7 months)
Baluk - 4-2-2008 at 07:03 PM
That's a tough one Eli!speleopower - 4-2-2008 at 08:32 PM
Anyone have a Haka to send out for a reviews?
If people are saying the Haka's are lifty let me try one and I'll give the definite answer to the question which is liftier Blade or Haka?
Scottzloty - 4-2-2008 at 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Baluk
That's a tough one Eli!
Jumping or pies? tridude - 5-2-2008 at 08:54 PM
you already own the liftier kite by a long shot. You def dont want to fly a Haka on the water. Youll be swimming back......................speleopower - 6-2-2008 at 08:14 PM
No problem. I would still like to try other kites out other than my Blades and Competition X kites.
I think the Quadrifoil Competition X series beats the Blades for lift which seems like the Haka would come in 3rd.
I would still like to try one out on the water.
Later-ScottUSA_Eli_A - 7-2-2008 at 10:43 AM
I found these pies from Nutra-system. They taste like Ivanpah dirt, but I can eat like 17 of them a day.
Haka Haka Haka. Yup, me thinks I take my instinct sports on the water and my Haka to the dome! Besides that. I'd like to demo some flysurfer kites.Baluk - 7-2-2008 at 01:49 PM