Joey - 3-2-2008 at 03:58 PM
I m looking for a big kite for jumping and was wondering which kite is the best out of the Radsails 6, crossfire 6.3 or flexifoil super10
bloah - 3-2-2008 at 05:09 PM
I used to have Crossfire 6.3. Good kite for jumping, lots of float. Medium turning speed. All in all awesome kite. A little less lift then Pansh Ace
series. Can't comment about other kites.
Joey - 3-2-2008 at 05:17 PM
crossfire6.3 of pansh ace 6
bloah - 3-2-2008 at 05:44 PM
well, in that case, I have pansh ace 8m and owed 6.3 and tested them both hand in had, go for crossfire. Firstly better quality, pre-stretched lines
and better handles, also has kite killers and a bag. Yet it is more expensive.
Any Pansh Ace 6 m owners?
BeamerBob - 4-2-2008 at 08:58 AM
I have the CF 5 and Ace 6. I think the Crossfire in those sizes might be a little more lifty. The Crossfire is a better kite in every respect. It
is more refined, includes higher quality lines, handles, kite killers, a nice bag even if its a little weak, and it is an HQ, not a bargain kite. The
Ace has its place in the market and you might get more for your money with the Ace, but you get more kite with the Crossfire. If you compare the ace
6 to the CF 6.3. (without personal experience) I would have to say the CF would be quite a bit more kite than the Ace. I need some beach time with
both kites staked and go from one to the other. I should get that opportunity weekend after next.