Power Kite Forum

Crossfire 6.3 and Radsails pro 4 or Radsailsp ro 6 and Crossfire 4

Joey - 6-2-2008 at 07:34 PM

Crossfire 6.3 and Radsails pro 4 or Radsails pro 6 and Crossfire 4 for jumping? I want two kites one for lighter wind and one for more heavy winds!

Bladerunner - 6-2-2008 at 09:28 PM

As a general rule kites under 5m don't make for good jumping kites. Even though they will lift you you need to really get it right or they will drop you. They aren't big enough to produce very effective float.
Once winds get high enough that you can't use a 5 you are better off / safer jumping with a depower kite.