Power Kite Forum

Buggy/kite Shop

Sthrasher38 - 8-2-2008 at 10:38 AM

Someone is going to foget or need something here I am sure. Is there any kind of shop or parts store around there somewhere If I end up needing something kite or bug related? Or is it just maybe borrow or get from you neigbor? Or is it just all around a@# out if you dont have? Just curious. Thanks.

strictlycarved - 8-2-2008 at 11:11 AM

there is "a wind of change" i think thats the name in vegas but thats a little far to go.

coreykite - 8-2-2008 at 12:07 PM

Hey Sailors,
Commerce is not allowed on the playa as per the BLM permit.
There is however as very strong sense of community and sharing.
Your family of wind worshipers is very resourceful and pretty well stocked.

Personally I come to play with friends, old and new, and having to bring my business out there would seriously detract from my enjoyment.
Besides, the playa is a place to play, not work.

I do have a kite and buggy shop in Lost Wages - WindPower Sports - and have agreed to deliver items ordered previously on my web site, to the playa when I come out.
But I don't bring product for sale.

There will be an on-site buggy tire and wheel repair and inflation center.
A gift to Buggytown from Fast Freddie.

If you find yourself in need... Ask around.

Safen Up! Buggy On!

"Often wrong... Never in doubt"

the coreylama

awindofchange - 8-2-2008 at 12:14 PM

As Cory has posted, commercial sales are not permitted on the lake bed (BLM land). A Wind Of Change also respects the BLM rules and does not bring any items to the lake bed to sell during the event. We come out to play like the rest of ya! If you need anything specific just ask your buggy neighbors and I am sure someone will be able to help you out.

Permit for Ivanpah

bison - 8-2-2008 at 12:41 PM

What type of permit was obtained for Ivanpah? There are 5 types of SRPs, see below. I know in the past we were able to have commercial activities on the lakebed, then you were required that 2% of sales goto the BLM. All of this was addressed in the Post Activity Report required to be filled out by the permit holder. This was the standard permit at the time (2000) has this changed? Also, if any type of races are to be run doesn't the permit have to be type 2 or can it be type 5? is there a difference in permit costs and insurance requirements?

Any idea when the permit will be available for public review? Will it be posted online ? I personally would like to see what changes have happened since 2000. I still have the permit from then and the comparison would be interesting.

Finally, why the restrictions on sales? The last couple times I was there NABX was mostly a product show! Lots of demos, etc... Isn't this just a slap in the face of any potential sponsors for NABX? Can a dealer still get a permit to sell product on the lakebed? Is the NABX permit exclusive?

5 types of BLM SRPs

1.Commercial Use – Commercial Use is defined as recreational use of public lands and related waters for business or financial gain. When any person, group, or organization makes or attempts to make a profit, receive money, amortize equipment, or obtain goods or services, as compensation from participants in recreational activities occurring on public lands, the use is considered commercial.

Examples: Outfitters and guides, jeep tours, horse trail and wagon train rides, cattle drives, and photography associated with a recreational activity.

2.Competitive Use – Competitive Use means any organized, sanctioned, or structured use, event, or activity on public land in which two or more contestants compete and either (1) participants register, enter, or complete an application for the event, or (2) a predetermined course or area is designated.

Examples: OHV races, horse endurance rides, mountain bike races, rodeos.

3.Vending – Vendor permits are temporary, short-term, non-exclusive, revocable authorizations to sell goods or services on public lands in conjunction with a recreation activity.

Examples: T-shirt sales in conjunction with a raft race, a hot dog stand at a motorcross event, firewood sales in a BLM campground, and shuttle services.

4.Special Area Use – Special Areas are areas officially designated by statute or Secretarial order.

Examples: Camping in Long Term Visitor Areas in California and Arizona, floating many BLM-managed rivers, backpacking in Grand Gulch Primitive Area, hiking in the Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness Area, and recreational mining in designated areas in California.

5.Organized Group Activity and Event Use – Organized group/event permits are for noncommercial and noncompetitive group activities and recreation events.

Examples: A large scout camp out, a fraternity activity, a large family reunion, or a dual sport event.

Sthrasher38 - 8-2-2008 at 07:52 PM

Thanks Cory and wind of change. I can't wait to meet you cory! In a sence you started it all for me. I got my First kite from wind power sports. Bullet 4.5. You will be glad to know it is still in prefect condition! Hell, I still have the box!

jellis - 9-2-2008 at 10:43 AM

I agree with Windpower Sports and A Wind of Change. KiteBuggySpeedShop.com will not sell products on the lake bed.
The BLM has certain rules and we want to make sure those rules are followed to insure NABX continues on into the future.

Permit for Ivanpah

USA_Eli_A - 9-2-2008 at 06:26 PM


do you by any chance know who to contact for permits? I have a small group of 'local' friends that want to hunt down the big winds and have a little 'need for speed' comp!

ripsessionkites - 9-2-2008 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by coreykite
There will be an on-site buggy tire and wheel repair and inflation center.
A gift to Buggytown from Fast Freddie.

YES, finally i dont need to bring so many extra tires/tubes.

I'm assuming I can run Tubeless this year. GoodBye Tubes.

See ya on the Dust Field.

Ivanpah Permit Info

bison - 10-2-2008 at 05:52 PM

Eli, Send them to this website


Contacts, info, etc...

USA_Eli_A - 10-2-2008 at 06:02 PM

Bison, perfect. exactly what I was looking for. What you doing in October? Alvord or Ivanpah? we can spot each other for the 100mph+ runs....:thumbup:

Sthrasher38 - 10-2-2008 at 06:13 PM

What wind speed do you need to do 100mph? And do you use a race kite?

USA_Eli_A - 10-2-2008 at 06:26 PM

30-40 can do it. Ivanpah Dry Lake has hosted 126mph runs from the windjet, not sure what it was blowing when that happened. 2.2m 2.7m or 3.4m Yakuza 20 or 25m line sets. I always have Ellis and KITE BUGGY SPEED SHOP go through my buggy, straighten it, tightnen it up. Modify the balance, add about 6lbs of weight near each tire. Drop tire pressure to compensate for adding weight near tires. Tune up the seat position and so on....

So...30-40mph winds, and a race kite.

Sthrasher38 - 10-2-2008 at 06:36 PM

Your bad a@#. I will see ya there. I have got to bring home some video of that!! Sh@#!

USA_Eli_A - 10-2-2008 at 06:51 PM

man I'm trying like hell to get down there, it's been a goal since race kites came out. I really want 100,,,,,if it works, lets set up a tandem and get you and your camera on board!

Sthrasher38 - 10-2-2008 at 06:57 PM

Hell yea!! Where do you work? I will call in with some kinda story. I have got to ride tandem with a pro! That would be awesome! You be the first to let me know if you can go so I can hold you to that.

Crash - 10-2-2008 at 10:57 PM

he he ,bring depends diapers :lol: I almost needed them ,Eli,I want another ride:smilegrin:Man I can't wait ,I broke 50 mph today at the airport with two onboard gps's saying 50.5 :wow: It was snowing with a white out and gusting to 45-50 :o thats rare in NY .less than 60 days:cool:

JoJo1 - 11-2-2008 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Crash
he he ,bring depends diapers :lol: I almost needed them ,Eli,I want another ride:smilegrin:Man I can't wait ,I broke 50 mph today at the airport with two onboard gps's saying 50.5 :wow: It was snowing with a white out and gusting to 45-50 :o thats rare in NY .less than 60 days:cool:

LMAO make sure you give some to Eli as he has been known to have accidents in the buggy. I can remeber the quote now "I think I sharted in the buggy dude":smilegrin: LMAO

Big John

USA_Eli_A - 11-2-2008 at 11:25 AM

sick, AIRPORT SESSION!!! i WANNa go.

Leave it to your buddies to dig up old poooh

alright...I'll admit to 1 'accident' in the buggy. In billings, mt during the aka national convention race. "brown spots on the road" by willie makit.....

and it was, "i shart my pants" "for sure"

at least I won, and Jon shot luk from about 300 ft with a potato gun. lol

Crash - 11-2-2008 at 12:28 PM

ya have to do like Glenn Padro and myself .Just bend down like your working on your kart and releive your self .:rolleyes:

USA_Eli_A - 14-2-2008 at 11:36 AM
