motman - 9-2-2008 at 04:53 PM
So how picky are kites with line?
I got some Mason fishing line that is a synthetic braided monofiliment that is about 1.5mm thick and it's low stretch. This is just goin on a
Powerfoil 5.0, it seams like way better line that what even came with it.
It's supposed to be 108 lbs. t.s got about 200 yards for $16 at a really nice fishing place I go to.
strictlycarved - 9-2-2008 at 05:28 PM
im no expert but i think it might work go try it out, the thing with dynemma and nylon is that their braided and have good longevity, but goo for it.
motman - 9-2-2008 at 05:50 PM
Well it's only 1mm really, it seams really nice. I can't wait to try it tomorrow. I'll have some pictures.
action jackson - 9-2-2008 at 06:04 PM
Snap!....Watch out for the recoil...................aj
kiteNH - 9-2-2008 at 06:14 PM
I don't want to piss on your parade, but that line doesn't sound strong enough. I really wouldn't fly a 5m kite on 1mm fishing line. I think 100 lb
is too weak as well. Having a line break could be very dangerous and I wouldn't take the chance. When it snaps it could recoil at you and cut you.
If I were you I would get online, order a real set of lines and wait until next weekend.
I don't know what your closest kite shop is but I bought a couple sets off of Ebay from a place called Extreme Action Sports in Minnesota which is
sort of close (to have them shipped from). They are nice flexfoil lines, 330lb/220lb. The sticker price is $55 and I think I got them off ebay for
closer to $40 shipped.
Good luck. If you end up going out tomorrow wear leather gloves. That fishing line sounds sharp. Some eye protection might be good as well in case
it snaps.
strictlycarved - 9-2-2008 at 06:18 PM
yea i didnt think of that. its probably alot safer just to get a set of real lines.
motman - 9-2-2008 at 06:32 PM
This is how sharp my line is...
Thanks for the heads up, I really don't think this will be that bad though. I'm just going to use it on an inflatable tube on a lake.
kiteNH - 9-2-2008 at 06:58 PM
That's a bit thicker than I was picturing. By sharp I meant that when it's under tension that it could cut you. This is actually true for all kite
lines I think.
Inflatable tube on a lake? That sounds like fun. I haven't seen that before. We'll need some pictures!
motman - 9-2-2008 at 11:03 PM
Yeah I'm sure it is very possible to be cut by any line under the right stress.
Yeah the lake is frozen right now but I will probably try it with a friends modified wake board once it is unfrozen. That won't be for 4-5 months
after the ice starts to melt.
DAKITEZ - 9-2-2008 at 11:52 PM
I would think 108lb line would be fine as long as you weigh 107 lbs or less. Even then they may still snap. Be careful for sure.
motman - 10-2-2008 at 12:20 AM
I'm not sure about that. For some reason the physics don't add up like that. With two strings you just have to be more careful. It's just
temporary, until I can get new lines in the mail anyways.
motman - 10-2-2008 at 01:08 PM
Yeah I just got back, it seamed to be alright really. I couldn't tell any stretch at all, it seamed to be real solid line. It was windy enough for
learning on a snowboard but my friend felt sick and it was on a lake so he didn't want me out their by my self. I really wanted to do more though it
would have been a blast.
speleopower - 10-2-2008 at 01:10 PM
Get some good lines and be done with it. I use 300lb Q-Powerline for main lines and 80-150lb high quality spectra lines for the brakes on all of my
kites (80lb goes on the ultra light wind kites and 150lb goes on everything smaller than a 8 meter foil).
Yes, kite lines will cut through you like a butter knife through butter when the lines are under tension.