Power Kite Forum

Want minimal cost...

Austastic - 11-2-2008 at 02:23 PM

I want to buy a kite, and I need to get enough lift to just be able to have the kite and jump, and be lifted a ways and have fun. But I don't want to pay a ton of money. I have never kite-anythinged, so can I get some advice as to the cheapest option?

USA_Eli_A - 11-2-2008 at 02:25 PM

cheap is a bad idea, find something useful for quite a while. Cheap doesn't last and is rarely safe.

strictlycarved - 11-2-2008 at 02:30 PM

yea dont go cheap especially with kites, quality is everything.

DAKITEZ - 11-2-2008 at 02:36 PM

First kite + wanting to jump right away = injury.

Jumping is reserved for experienced flyers. If you don't want to get hurt.

macboy - 11-2-2008 at 02:36 PM

Keep an eye on the for sale section of this forum. I've got two kites here and they were top notch guys to deal with. You'll get a far better kite at a far better price. If you've never kited but know someone who does and can help you out I'd be all for suggesting a Pansh. Economical but not really "cheap" in terms of construction. You'll need help from someone who knows though since my experience with Pansh is that the lines are not very well set and will stretch, need to be adjusted, will stretch again and then can be put back to original. Could be maddening if you don't know what's happening and nobody who might know better is there to help.

NPWfever - 11-2-2008 at 04:24 PM

Pansh is your best bet but start small!!!! Biggest size you EVER want to start with is a 4 meter, then get a 6 or 7 or 8. But for $350ish for both a 3 or 4 and a larger size is pretty cheap when it comes to kiting.

USA_Eli_A - 11-2-2008 at 04:38 PM

I don't know, I brought in a Pansh Blaze 3.0 to demo, it's got about 5 hrs and something is wrong with it. The price is awesome but... I've restretched the bridle lines and kite lines and it didn't help much. I would start with a small Ace if you go pansh. So I have to re-trim the b/c/d's with pig tails to get the AOA right. It's nothing compared to a Cult or Brooza.

Or you can score a DP power 2.5m-5m are easy. my demos are surviving me well.

USED PARAGLIDERS: HTTP://www.discoverparagliding.com
ask for BRAD!!! ref. Eli

Bladerunner - 11-2-2008 at 05:48 PM

Your cheapest option is to pick up a good quality used kite on here or a similar site. Get one around the 3meter range as you notice EVERYONE will tell you.
At 3 meters you will have enough power to poop your pants at 1st but not really enough to jump safely. Once you get skilled on the 3 then you can sell it if you choose ( a quality kite will resell a cheapo won't ).
It will be hard to find a used 3m because folks fall in love with them and keep them. Even when they are trading in bigger kites. You will probably want to keep yours as well. Another reason to buy a good one.
If you are going new I think HQ and PKD both make a nice starter package. IMHO

barnes - 11-2-2008 at 06:07 PM

Save up, don't waste money in cheap kites. I did, and regret it. I second snowbirds HQ suggestion, though I can't speak of PKD.

Where are you located? If you can find local flyers, they'd love to help you out.

B-Roc - 11-2-2008 at 06:10 PM

It would be helpful to know your weight and flying conditions (inland or ocean shore). In land I'd go with more of a mid aspect kite to handle the gusts better - ocean wind you can get a higher aspect kite.

You don't want a cheap kite and whereas you are new I wouldn't recommend Pansh.

I would recommend you look at something like the Eolo Radsail series or the HQ Crossfire for lift or PKD Brooza or Buster or HQ Beamer for less lift.

Kites like the Blade and Riot and Haka and Bego that lift very well are more expensive for a reason - you can't skimp on quality when it comes to big lift and float and safety.

HQ and Eolo are still good kites but with fewer perks and less refined manaufacturing - not cheap, but less expensive and still a decent product.

As for size, it depends on your weight and wind conditions, but likely, as others have said, you should start with something in the 3-4 meter range and work your way up.

That's the right and safe way to do it, but you decide what you want to do - but make sure you understand the consequences to yourself and others.

Anyone can jump with a kite once. But if you've got poor technique or lack of appreciation for the danger, you may jump only once before getting seriously hurt or frightened.

Bladerunner - 11-2-2008 at 06:52 PM

Here is a very good choice. The other kite that this guy is selling ( the rush ?) is a 2 line and you will not be able to relaunch it. It's also enough smaller that you will tire of it but it's much cheaper and the very minimum I would suggest ( not what I recommend ) HQ also sell the Beamer 3 at an in between price on handles. THAT I would recommend !


strictlycarved - 11-2-2008 at 08:02 PM

hq makes good kites. same with the pdk, i personally own a beamer 5m and i love it. not as nice as a flexifoil but its a good kite. ive had alot of fun with it.

NPWfever - 19-2-2008 at 08:56 PM

HEY!!! Austin wake up and start answering your phone!!! Funny I didn't even realize I was answering a post from a kid at my school. (Yes nick is happy!!! He found a kiter) Like I said dude, I'll help you along I got my trainer to get you going and then that 8m Ace is calling your name. JUST ANSWER YOUR PHONE!!!! :D

f0rgiv3n - 20-2-2008 at 09:53 AM

So this is along the same lines as this topic:

I've flown Rev kites in the past (4 string stunt kites with handles)

Will I kill myself if I buy a pansh ace 3.5m? I live in a low wind area(idaho) just want to get off on the right foot. I'm contemplating between an ace and a blaze 3m

acampbell - 20-2-2008 at 10:32 AM

If you have flown Revs then you can fly a foil. Good choice on size, questionable choice on brand for first foil. See posts above.

f0rgiv3n - 20-2-2008 at 10:41 AM

Alright, well I'll go with the blaze then! Thanks! Will I need kite killers for the blaze?

macboy - 20-2-2008 at 10:55 AM

Most definitely. Kite killers have been up for debate recently but I'd say if you're just starting out you better get some so that you're not afraid to let go of your precious kite when things get hairy. I got Supermanned by a 3m because I didn't have killers and didn't want to let go. (Of course it all happened so fast I doubt I'd have had the wherewithal to let go but that's beside the point ; )

f0rgiv3n - 20-2-2008 at 10:56 AM

Awesome, any idea where I can get some for cheap? :P

macboy - 20-2-2008 at 11:06 AM

If you're in the US you can order them from Coastal Wind Sports (no, I have no affiliation):

In Canada you can get them from Horizon Kites (no, no affiliation here either):

Best $10-15 you'll spend IMO.

f0rgiv3n - 20-2-2008 at 12:59 PM

rock on, thanks a lot man

KiteProject - 20-2-2008 at 04:44 PM

For a 2-line kite, I'd recommend a Prism Stylus. It's a great beginner kite.

For a 4-line kite, Profoil is easy to fly and an extremely well behaved kite that you can use for boarding and static flying. It's a great kite for a beginner. You may not be able to jump with a Profoil but it's an extremely forgiving kite to learn to fly. Early on in my kiting, I bought a very powerful kite and I was lucky that I didn't break any bones. Every now and then, my Profoil comes out of my bag and it's a very enjoyable kite. I also have a few monster/beasts of kites that demand a lot of respect but I can fly my Profoil in a very carefree manner.

Originally posted by Austastic
I want to buy a kite, and I need to get enough lift to just be able to have the kite and jump, and be lifted a ways and have fun. But I don't want to pay a ton of money. I have never kite-anythinged, so can I get some advice as to the cheapest option?

NPWfever - 22-2-2008 at 07:28 PM

Austin...? Where are you??!!!

tridude - 22-2-2008 at 08:25 PM

As BRoc says it would be nice to know:

1) experience level
2) weight
3) avg wind speed
4) inland or coastal flying sites
5) where your going with kiting (just jumping? static flying? buggy? board?)

Agree, jumping isnt something you should concern yourself with initially. Learn the kite, sharpen your skills then start jumping. You can jump any kite. A 3 or 4m Beamer 3 would be a good place to start, size dependent on questions 1 thru 5.

NPWfever - 22-2-2008 at 11:18 PM

He goes to my school, and I kinda know him.
To the best of my knowledge he has never kited before
probably weighs 150-180ish
average wind speed is 5-15mph
Inland sites
I think he wants to jump and probably board and such. You would have to ask him.


And I am letting him use all my stuff to train and then see where he wants to go from there.