Power Kite Forum

Pansh Blaze 2

manitoulinkiter1 - 17-2-2008 at 03:40 PM


Has anyone tried the Pansh Blaze 2 yet.
I was looking at the 5 meter for my son, and am wondering how they work and what kind of bar will work with them. Mostly how much travel do they need?

Thanks Jon

Bladerunner - 17-2-2008 at 05:50 PM

A fellow around here flys his on an old school Naish bar ( probably 03 , 04 ) and it works well. I kind of doubt you will get much advantage out of a longer one. That said if you have a bow bar it should work .

I know this guy was wanting for a larger kite but it was a nice gentle intro into depower + will be a good high wind kite for later. The next size up may give a wider range of usable power + scare him enough by it's size that he will repect it ?
I love the way they look .

If you buy it and don't know how to hook up a common depower foil download some instructions. It will save you from doubting yourself. This guy was trying to fly it front to back + completely the wrong knots before I happened along.

dimension4 - 17-2-2008 at 10:39 PM

I have a blaze II 7m and I like it, but I don't have much to compare it with. You may have to play with the knots a little to get the most performance out of it. You may want to look at a beamer III.

What do you mean "flying it front to back"? I think the brake lines go from the outside of the bar to the bottom of the kite, and the power lines go to the front of the kite.

acampbell - 18-2-2008 at 06:21 AM

Originally posted by snowbird
A fellow around here flys his on an old school Naish bar ( probably 03 , 04 ) and it works well. I kind of doubt you will get much advantage out of a longer one. That said if you have a bow bar it should work .

The safety on kiteboard bars (all that I have seen) will dump the kite on a wintip and thats' probably not a good idea for an open cell foil. And the throw is different.

The problem with the Blaze 2 is that a proper de-power bar and line set will cost more than the kite; something not apparent to many who might be attracted to it. Not a great choice for a first kite.

Bladerunner - 18-2-2008 at 09:45 AM

Originally posted by dimension4
I have a blaze II 7m and I like it, but I don't have much to compare it with. You may have to play with the knots a little to get the most performance out of it. You may want to look at a beamer III.

If you are comparing your Blaze to a Beamer I'm thinking you have the regular fixed bridle Blaze. The Blaze II is a depower kite. It will have pulleys and is hooked up VERY different than a Beamer.

I think the 7m Blaze II may be a more useful size for your Son. It will produce usable power at a lower wind. Say ..... 10mph

dimension4 - 18-2-2008 at 01:53 PM

I have the Blaze II, and I mean if you move the knots on the bridle around you can get a (different) range of depower. If you have or get a blaze II you'll see the black bridle line on the brakes comes with extra cord so you have ability to tune that end of the kite shorter/longer depending on the wind. It gives a little more adjustment in addition to the trim strap and sliding bar. I've also heard the knot on the power end should be moved forward about 2" to increase the depower range. I just moved the knot last night, but I haven't flown it like that yet.