Power Kite Forum

Firebird Arctis kite information

computerbob - 17-2-2008 at 07:22 PM

Does anybody have any information (good or bad) about the Firebird Arctis model of power kite? I just bought one from a buddy of mine and it seems like a kick ass kite but I can't locate much information (in english anyway) on the web.

barnes - 18-2-2008 at 03:27 PM

Welcome to the boards! Another PA Kiter!

From what I found, its a depower open cell foil kite. Looks decent really, probably good for learning about depower. Great for snowkiting and landboarding I'd imagine.

Are you new to depower kites and kind of confused about how it works? Perhaps the people on the boards might be better then any manual. Ask away.

computerbob - 1-3-2008 at 09:10 PM

I purchased the Firebird Arctis 11.5m kite a couple of weeks ago and was really counting on this one being the real "Go-to" kite for low wind conditions which we seem to have here near Pittsburgh on a fairly regular basis - Unfortunately last Sunday became a NO wind day after 12:30pm - I didn't even get my skis on before the wind was GONE... I have been power kiting for a few years and still had the hopes of a newbie that this "Space Invader" of mine - I call it that because of the size and the logo - would get me moving no matter what... OOPs - Reality Check - I could have pulled out my indoor - no wind kites and gotten more air time - So much for my little rant though... thanks for listening.

Bladerunner - 2-3-2008 at 08:54 AM

Depower kites all take a bit more wind than fixed bridle. This kite may end up a bit disapointing for Uber low winds.

I had a chance to put my 9m Blade II against a 10m Skycountry Refex in 1 - 3 kt. winds today :mad:

The 10m won hands down. I think it's big advantage was being able to hold it's shape when it had almost no internal pressure. I'm not sure if it was how the Reflex is designed or if the material was just a LOT more crispy and stiff. The material has a unique coating on it. Very slick looks like it would do a great job of repelling water. S.C. has THE BEST covering over it's air inlets that I have ever seen. I look forward to taking this kite out in a bit bigger winds so I can give a more detailed review. Scudley now has the 5,7, and 10m. Some of the 1st one in North America. I think he is trying to convince them to send one of those Ultra thin racekites over for us to break. :smug: