Power Kite Forum

Montana Kite Lines

dgkid78 - 21-2-2008 at 05:48 PM

Ya i was just wondering if someone could answer a question for me. I got my Montana 2 7.0m and the lines it came with are the 595lb 72ft (22M) lines. I can't seem to find these lines online anywhere to purchase,so i can have when i replace the lines. I did find the same line set by flexifoil 595lbs but 25m (82ft) . is this going to be a problem in kite performance? or can someone guide me to a website where i can buy the correct set. Thanks

barnes - 21-2-2008 at 06:03 PM

www.kiteplace.com is an HQ retailer and can get you replacement lines no issue. Just shoot Don an email.

How are you liking the Montana by the way?

dgkid78 - 21-2-2008 at 06:16 PM

i love it. (Obviously) I have no other depower to compare it too. It's my first one. . have had it about 2 weeks flown it about 5 times only last 2 times have been great. now that i figured out the trimming. thanks for the info on the lines BTW

barnes - 21-2-2008 at 06:20 PM

No problem, welcome to the forums by the way.

What kind of kiting are you doing? Getting enough snow up that way to snowkite?

3-5" fall tonight..thats enough for me to get out and ride..probably wreck my board, but should be fun!

dgkid78 - 21-2-2008 at 06:28 PM

Well for about a year i was just into the traction kiting with my Crossfires 2.4 and 4.0 . And was just looking for the perfect deal on the Montana. Obvioulsy found it got my harness. and just been doing some static. just getting adjusted to kite. will get into some landboarding eventually by spring. Getting hammered tomorrow with some snow. same storm i think. :frog:

barnes - 21-2-2008 at 06:42 PM

Originally posted by dgkid78
Well for about a year i was just into the traction kiting with my Crossfires 2.4 and 4.0 . And was just looking for the perfect deal on the Montana. Obvioulsy found it got my harness. and just been doing some static. just getting adjusted to kite. will get into some landboarding eventually by spring. Getting hammered tomorrow with some snow. same storm i think. :frog:

Nice man. I flew a Crossfire the other day, and I wasn't really to happy with it. It luffed SO much. Perhaps it was just the light winds. You happy with them?

Yeah, same storm but your getting the fun part. I just get the 'wintery mix.' So..no school tomorrow please!

dgkid78 - 21-2-2008 at 06:49 PM

Well To be honest M lucky enough to have a park here that is actually like on a peninsula shooting out into the ocean so i got all four sides covered in whichever wind direction. Wind is super clean. Spot specifically for kites. even though I am the only one with these kites. Mostly REVs in the summertime around here. I only had crossfires nothing else to compare too. fractured my foot with them. had to learn the hard way round here since nobody around here has these

acampbell - 21-2-2008 at 07:22 PM

Any HQ dealer can get any part you need for any HQ kite. Not all dealers list all parts on their sites, but most should list the de-power line sets. HQ provides good support for their customers and dealer networks.

bloah - 21-2-2008 at 07:26 PM

be careful with montana, especially in gusty winds, been lofted few times.
Other then that good kite, fast turning!