Power Kite Forum

Inexpensive Trainer Kite for Beginner

brygguy1 - 24-2-2008 at 11:18 PM

Hey guys,

I just bought a used mountain board, and I'm looking to get into Kite Boarding. I live in Seattle, WA and I go to the University of Washington. I'm 5'8" and weigh 170 lbs.

I'm looking for a kite that will not be too advanced for a beginner, but that I could use for a while. I'm on a college budget, so I'm hoping not to spend more than about $100-$150.

I'm not quite sure what the winds are like around here because I have never been kite boarding before, and I don't really keep track of the wind speed day to day. :)

What kind of kite would you all recommend for a beginner kite boarder, between about $100-150?

Thank you very much for your help

KiteProject - 25-2-2008 at 04:51 AM

Welcome to the sport!

I recommend Profoil which is an extremely well built and well behaved kite for a beginner. Also, these kites are well within your budget.


Spend some time learning kite handling before you jump on a board.

tridude - 25-2-2008 at 06:05 AM

Good kites to start on and you wont outgrow! Most recommendations to new fliers are to start with a 3 to 4 meter foil. The 3.5 meter is $115 shipped for kite, bag, and handles. You will need lines but for another $40/$50 youre set! Good luck and welcome.

Bladerunner - 25-2-2008 at 09:58 AM

Holy Smoke, I hadn't noticed those sale prices.
This is about as good a deal as you will get.
Used kites in the smaller sizes aren't too easy to come by and rarely any cheaper than this. :thumbup:

BeamerBob - 25-2-2008 at 10:02 AM

I would get one of the larger ones still available. My 1.5 is a little bit fast for a newbie learning kite handling skills. The Beamer is a relief for everyone after them trying to fly the 1.5. It likes a delicate touch and newbies tend to yank and jerk the handles giving the kite too much input. I didn't buy mine as a trainer though. I bought mine for high wind, when I wouldn't want to get the beamer out.

acampbell - 25-2-2008 at 10:26 AM

Ted has a few 3.5's left in the hot pink, which looks pretty loud on the ground at first, but loioks great in the air. Great Kite and a good place to start at a good price while they last. You would normally need to spend $200-300 unless buying used- another good option.

Pansh are inexpensive but most here will agree nto a good first kite.

DAKITEZ - 25-2-2008 at 10:29 AM

I thought all the profoils were sold out. That is a good deal. Are they a high aspect or low aspect kite ?

acampbell - 25-2-2008 at 10:37 AM

He has smaller sizes up to the 3.5. medium aspect I'll guess around 3.5

KiteProject - 25-2-2008 at 11:32 AM

I have a 3.5 (hot pink) and 2.5 (yellow banana) and they are great beach colors.

Originally posted by acampbell
Ted has a few 3.5's left in the hot pink, which looks pretty loud on the ground at first, but loioks great in the air. Great Kite and a good place to start at a good price while they last. You would normally need to spend $200-300 unless buying used- another good option.

Pansh are inexpensive but most here will agree nto a good first kite.

f0rgiv3n - 25-2-2008 at 12:28 PM

Well I'm just getting into the sport and bought the beamer III 3.0 m kite for $225(including shipping). Sweet deal and i'm stoked!! From what i've heard from others the beamer is a good one to start with and a 3.0 is a kite that is great to start with and also will come in handy for your quill for later.

tridude - 25-2-2008 at 12:38 PM

You done good! Congrats and welcome. My first kite was a Beamer II 3.6m. Loved that kite!

powerzone - 25-2-2008 at 01:30 PM

Hey "brygguy1 "

glad to help a "local" kiter, we're up in Bellingham and we offer those same Profoil kites that are converted to sheetable depower. they come with bar, lines, a harness and fly just like a real kiteboarding kite, even with reverse launch.

cut your training time by 2/3 with our sheetable profoil trainers.

barnes - 25-2-2008 at 02:32 PM

Originally posted by powerzone
Hey "brygguy1 "

glad to help a "local" kiter, we're up in Bellingham and we offer those same Profoil kites that are converted to sheetable depower. they come with bar, lines, a harness and fly just like a real kiteboarding kite, even with reverse launch.

cut your training time by 2/3 with our sheetable profoil trainers.

Now that sounds worth while. I assume the switch to handles is possible? I hate those 2 line kitesurf trainers that are worth nothing after the 20 minutes you use them.

Welcome! I started probably 2 years now under a Pansh Legend 3m..which after flying Beamers and other high quality kites, I don't feel confertable suggesting.

I think hooking up with Powerzone, let him show you the ropes, and picking up a sheetable Profoil is your best bet.

powerzone - 25-2-2008 at 07:52 PM

yes they fly on handles or in 2 line mode or in 4 line mode or in sheetable mode... very versatile.

sodfarmkiter - 15-3-2008 at 09:37 AM

2 line, 4 line, sheetable... sounds really confusing for a beginner. Istarted out with a beamer 3.6 TSR which on the wrong days was a handful at first, and kinda pricey. But since then I have purchased a beamerII 1.8m with handles for about 115.00 delivered. It requires a little more wind but will take a real beating! I know because I've let a few of my friends learn with it, and it's still in one piece! It also becomes a good board or buggy motor in 25mph+ winds. So for the money you can't beat an HQ kite. You can usually get a good deal beamer 2nd series.