Power Kite Forum

Looking for Graphic's Idea

Taper123 - 8-3-2008 at 06:01 AM

Seeing as how the PKF is looking for a new logo... I'm looking for an idea to put on a kite. If anyone feels like drawing on a blank kite template... here it is:

Here's what the other two of this style of kite have looked like... I'm thinking of a "Smiley Jr" but have another week or two before I start to layout the graphics. This kite will be a 5 meter.

A 6.5 Meter

This one's an 8m

Sthrasher38 - 8-3-2008 at 09:51 AM

I have been thinking about this also. But this is going to represent. So I think it needs to be original Not a copy of something they already have. It needs to be crafty and have a universal foundation. Smiley jr. is a good idea But I don't think it will fly with pkf for a logo. How about PKF on the kite? Or different flags from all over the world on a kite. I am no artist but I do have lots of ideas if that will help. Maybe instead of one picture try three one on each side and in the middle. One static flying kite one on water flying kite and one in a buggy. Stuff like that is that too much. Whatever it is going to be it will be alot of work.Something to simple won't go with the times.Imo. I could be wrong just trying to help.:saint:

macboy - 8-3-2008 at 11:40 AM

Dude - when it comes time, I hope I can convince you to make my "corporate" kite for me!

Bladerunner - 8-3-2008 at 12:42 PM

Smilely is a much more Cool Kite now that I realize we are talking 8m. I was attracted to it in your Avatar but thought it was a little 2m intro type kite. :thumbup:
Good Job :cool:

Seems Flags and Flames are getting common.

There can NEVER be enough happy faces in the sky. I'm sure there are happy faces on the people walking by ! :singing:

Sthrasher38 - 8-3-2008 at 01:22 PM

No problem!

NPWfever - 8-3-2008 at 01:42 PM

Look over at the Pansh forum, they had a competition recently, PM some people and ask if you can use their designs. I have some that turned out well.

Good luck!

treblehook - 8-3-2008 at 08:01 PM

Heres a simple one at ya..........

kite blank 2.psd.jpg - 40kB

WTrail - 8-3-2008 at 08:55 PM

Awesome avatar treblehook!!

Sthrasher38 - 9-3-2008 at 09:53 AM

Thats different An Atom? What is that symbol? Cool Though.

Baluk - 9-3-2008 at 01:04 PM

Full size here

OreBeamer - 9-3-2008 at 04:27 PM

Full image

Sthrasher38 - 10-3-2008 at 08:07 AM

Nice ideas guy's! keep them comming.

silvereaglekiter - 10-3-2008 at 08:52 AM

I call it High Viz :lol:

hivis.jpg - 25kB

Sthrasher38 - 10-3-2008 at 11:25 AM

Very nice. With that many stripes it would look like a blurr in the air. There is another idea. A visuial change through flight.

Taper123 - 10-3-2008 at 06:05 PM

Thanks for all the ideas.

A smiley face on each end, with the word Kites surrounded by a heart with an expanding heart in the pattern SilverEagle posted. Just add an extra color on each layer... Not sure that describes what I'm thinking... but would be colorful and family friendly for the beach.

Taping the rib templates this week. Then it will be time to decide on a pattern and see if I have the colors I need.

It takes a couple months or so to complete a project like this...

Here's the three meter I just completed.

And yes.. these kites are meant to be used!

silvereaglekiter - 10-3-2008 at 06:07 PM

Another one. Red/Blue/Yellow is the color code I use fore all my rope and fire gear.

bar1.jpg - 21kB

silvereaglekiter - 10-3-2008 at 07:50 PM
