Power Kite Forum

Bad experience with bestkites.com

sodfarmkiter - 14-3-2008 at 09:04 PM

Now heres a place you might want to avoid! I placed an order with this place on Feb. 29th and then went about my business thinking all good thoughts. Just kinda waiting for my parts to show up in the mail and on about the 10th I started to wonder where my parts were... So I decided to check on my order, It said my order status was pending. This seemed weird because didn't receive any emails saying their would be any delays, So I emailed the guy at bestkites.com and got no response. So I tried to call them with the two phone numbers they had on the site, no response with either one, just voice mail. So now I'm getting a little nervous. The next day (11th) was the same deal. nothing on the voice mail indicated that he was out of town for any specific reason! I mean all I really wanted to know was why my order was pending and when I could expect to receive so I could go out buggying!! So on the third day of no response to either email or phone calls I started checking out stuff and found out that the better business bureau had 5 complaints against him, 4 had been resolved and one that they were getting no response from bestkites. That one was still open... So i went right to pay pal ( the way I payed ) and opened a dispute against bestkites.com. Within an hour he issued me a refund with pay pal, the money is still pending for some reason but I think it's funny that he was so quick to answer their emails and not mine. on my last phone call i had mentioned the better business bureau and I think if I had escalated my dispute to a claim with pay pal it might have locked up his account until it was settled. So i give props to pay pal :thumbup: I also suggest you look elsewhere to find your parts and use this place as a last resort... I just don't know why he wouldn't talk to me?

ripsessionkites - 15-3-2008 at 01:28 AM

Woo! we have this company listed as a dealer. Here is the contact info we have:

Best Kites

638 Banff Drive
Newman, CA 95360

Tel 209 862-9894
Tel 209 482-7768


sodfarmkiter - 15-3-2008 at 07:57 AM

Yeah that's the guy!!:evil: I don't know why he did what he did, but thats him! a real pleasure!

Bladerunner - 15-3-2008 at 08:14 AM

Might be worth pointing out that this guy has absolutely no realtion to BEST kites the product.

sodfarmkiter - 15-3-2008 at 09:44 AM

This is true as far as I know he's not affiliated with BEST kites the product, or I'm sure they would have dropped him by now for making them look bad! But he's probably using a like name to cash in on their public image! :ninja:

DAKITEZ - 15-3-2008 at 10:00 AM

So you did get your money back right ? I will driving by that address on my way to the coast on monday. I could stop in and see whats up if you didn't get your money back. You can't hide from this forum we have people scattered everywhere.:thumbup: Its almost like we are a gang :lol:

sodfarmkiter - 15-3-2008 at 12:35 PM

That sounds SWEET! :karate: But I did get my money back, so no butt wooping necessary...
But good looking out Dlish.:ticking:

barnes - 15-3-2008 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by dlish89
So you did get your money back right ? I will driving by that address on my way to the coast on monday. I could stop in and see whats up if you didn't get your money back. You can't hide from this forum we have people scattered everywhere.:thumbup: Its almost like we are a gang :lol:

Power Kite Forum - Cracking skulls since 2008.

So..on that same topic..a few Hells Angels ripped up my kite...any takers on taking care of that one? :wink2:

But honestly, thats awesome info. Thanks for the heads up. I think the fact he has open cell foils in his Kitesurfing category is another deterrent.

USA_Eli_A - 15-3-2008 at 03:16 PM


barnes - 15-3-2008 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by USA_Eli_A

Oh no you didn't. East side repin' it.

DenisLaMenace - 15-3-2008 at 05:35 PM

It's not the first bad review I see about bestkites.com. I never bought there but I often went to his site to browse kites and other products. He advertises a lot. Too bad.

BeamerBob - 15-3-2008 at 05:37 PM

Tony says he had a fraudulent chargeback from a customer in the UK of $6000. He doesn't explain why he doesn't answer phone calls or emails. He did answer mine though. I'm not sure I would trust him since his behavior is not like someone on the up and up. I told him there are enough top drawer kite dealers out there to take a risk on one that acts like this.

WELDNGOD - 15-3-2008 at 07:12 PM

representin the 7-5-7 with a 3-5-7. AKA the P-Town beatdown !

Baluk - 15-3-2008 at 08:01 PM

Yo brah, reppin' the 5-1-9 crew up in CAN-NAH-DUH. Biotch.

acampbell - 16-3-2008 at 06:17 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
Tony says he had a fraudulent chargeback from a customer in the UK of $6000.

I once had an order for over $4,000 from Singapore. Charges cleared my account just fine. But the order was otherwise suspicious as it was for one each of every Mystic Harness I carry. I checked with my credit card merchant clearing house and they warned me they could not protect against fruadulent credit card chargebacks outside of Norht America. If I had shipped, I'm sure the charges would have been reversed. I refunded the payment, and sent an e-mail. The e-mail bounced.

I do ship overseas but I'm careful as to whom, what and where.

Bladerunner - 16-3-2008 at 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Baluk
Yo, reppin' the 5-1-9 crew up in CAN-NAH-DUH. Biotch.

Western CAH-NAH DAH 6-OH-4, Kovered by the K3 !!! :borg:

We're hunting a Comp xl Kulpret as we speak :smug:


Baluk - 16-3-2008 at 10:30 AM

strictlycarved - 16-3-2008 at 10:48 AM

nice pic with the chimp.....:lol::lol:

Baluk - 16-3-2008 at 10:50 AM

Originally posted by strictlycarved
nice pic with the chimp.....:lol::lol:

That's a byproduct of searching 'gangsta' in google images:smilegrin:

ThreeMerryWidows - 17-3-2008 at 10:30 PM

I will second the "bad experience" with bestkites.com...
I ordered an Eolo buggy and 2 months went by without any return of my emails and phone calls as to where my buggy was... then after about 4 months I got an email that he was waiting for new year models to come. I ordered in January and saw the buggy in August.
Credit card was charged in January though...jeeez...

Baluk - 17-3-2008 at 10:33 PM

Originally posted by ThreeMerryWidows
I ordered in January and saw the buggy in August.

wow. That's really bad.

WELDNGOD - 18-3-2008 at 03:40 PM


sodfarmkiter - 18-3-2008 at 08:51 PM

That doesn't surprise me a bit,and I'm sorry to hear that. I expect we'll probably hear more about that place in the future. Hell of a way to do business that's for sure.:thumbdown:

Lobo - 19-3-2008 at 10:52 AM

Originally posted by ThreeMerryWidows
I will second the "bad experience" with bestkites.com...
I ordered an Eolo buggy and 2 months went by without any return of my emails and phone calls as to where my buggy was... then after about 4 months I got an email that he was waiting for new year models to come. I ordered in January and saw the buggy in August.
Credit card was charged in January though...jeeez...

All I can say is you've got a boat-load of more patience than me!?!?! :wow: That's just plain dirty. Glad I'm reading enough to know better than to order from there!!:rolleyes:

Lobo :singing:

BigSiler - 20-3-2008 at 01:02 AM

I remember a few months ago a post going around on here about the same place... Everyone saying it was bad... so Ya be careful..

BUT... Me being Me, ordered my 07 frenzy from the guy,spoke with him ordered over the phone right then, next day he called me back and told me the order was placed and in 3 days the Frenzy was here :)

So I hear ya and believe, but He was good to me..

sodfarmkiter - 23-3-2008 at 07:14 PM

Maybe because your closer than me. And can drive over there and kick his A$$! I would have to catch a plane to do it.:D

BigSiler - 23-3-2008 at 11:32 PM

Thats Funny :singing:

DAKITEZ - 23-3-2008 at 11:55 PM

I was going to stop in and check this place out, but I was pulling my trailer and didn't want to be crusing through town with a 65 ft rig looking for this kite shop that may or may not be there. I may swing by there on my way to nabx to take a look.

KYTE SLINGER - 24-3-2008 at 06:12 AM


you'll find that you won't find anything:puzzled:

Bestkites is not a brick and mortar store...

I met Toney a few times over the years , seems to be a nice guy but never had deal with buying anything from him.


Ricco and Guido do all the heavy lifting around here

so #@%$#!etaboutit


DAKITEZ - 24-3-2008 at 08:38 AM

Kyte Slinger (kite master)

Thats what I kinda figured thats why I didn't make to much of a effort to go find it. But if someone would of got burned I would of found it. Ricco and Guido are my cousins from Italy and we would of made bestkites an offer he couldn't refuse. :smug:

KYTE SLINGER - 24-3-2008 at 08:58 AM

show that ja-moc what an Italian chicken loop neck tie is :saint::lol:

sodfarmkiter - 28-3-2008 at 12:32 PM

I just read some of the old stuff posted about Tony Maninha and I thought it was funny listning to him complain about somebody emailing over and over! I just thought to myself, WELL if you'd reply to one of them they might stop coming.:sniff: And I thought it was even funnier that they thought that it was wrong to bring this stuff up on a public forum, like that kind of stuff should be kept quite! I'd rather sing like a little bird so everyone knows.:singing:

Todd - 4-4-2008 at 06:44 PM

Bringing this back to the top for everyone to know.


Well there you have it... I am the new victim of Tony J Maninha owner of Bestkites. No bar, no chicken loop and of course no contact.

Filed with the BBB and contacted my bank, anything else? I hope you are reading this Tony and everyone else who may google bestkites. Hopefully it will slow down futher people that may fall victim to thieving ways.

You sir are a thief. How pathetic is that? Oh, and when I talked to you let's set something straight... I'm not your buddy nor pal, I am a paying costumer who should have received there items as promised by YOU!

Keep the freebie and offer it to the next person.

sodfarmkiter - 4-4-2008 at 08:15 PM

Hopefully the BBB will make some headway for you! and the top of the page is a good place for this dingbat!!! :mad: :mad:

cuekite - 26-7-2011 at 11:00 AM

If Tony J Maninha (AKA) Antonio Mahnina (AKA) Forum user name BestKites or Tony from BestKites.com ripped you off and you would like to know were he is...

You can now find him on http://forums.azbilliards.com he post under the user name of Guerra Cues
Tony J Maninha
Antonio Mahnina
(209) 862-9894 BestKites number or Home phone???
(209) 482-7768 His cell number

I hoping some of you that were ripped off by him will join AZ and let people know what type of person he is.
He says that he is building custom cues and it won't be long before he is ripping the members of AZ Billiards off.

pyro22487 - 26-7-2011 at 12:31 PM

his site is gone www.bestkites.com just fyi. I tried to go there after this showed up today on the top of the list.

Houston AirHead - 26-7-2011 at 02:24 PM

i got a friend who buys only best kites inspite of the fact every one of them have blown up on him.

every one ive ever know who have owned a best has had their kite xplode or rip while flying.

some how that cute little flyfish still gets sales.:dunno:

Drewculous - 26-7-2011 at 02:42 PM

This guy has/had no affiliation with Best brand kites... Good long read tho lol