silvereaglekiter - 16-3-2008 at 12:52 PM
Has any one tried to mod a HQ Symphony 2.2 into a 4 line setup? :puzzled: what line would i use ?
acampbell - 16-3-2008 at 01:20 PM
That ships with 30 m (100') x 100 kg lines. For the brake lines, I would use 70 kg line.
You could get the 35 m 70 kg 2-Line set - HQ part no. 12039601 and use the extra 5m to make a simple bridle. These are knotted sets so it is easy to
untie them and shorten to 30 m and save the extra.
you would have to sew little tabs into the traiing edge to fit the brake bridles.
I have not done this though, and am not sure what the result would be or if worth the effort.
silvereaglekiter - 16-3-2008 at 03:26 PM
Thanks the though came to me wile flying the other day. It performs well in my inland winds but I like being able to brake and stall out the kite in
case it gets away from me.
stevep - 17-3-2008 at 11:15 AM
hq used to sell and still might a brake set for symphonys it was 8.00 i think,
i bought one and used it on my 3.3 symphony and it works great even tried with buggy in 20 mph wind got going pretty good was able to brake turn
reverse launch and all if they dont sell any more email me and ill take picture and measurements for you
dylanj423 - 19-3-2008 at 05:57 AM
Does your symphony have a little loop in the center of the trailing edge??? I had thought of making mine a 3 line with that as an attachment... no
clue if it would have worked or not, though.
acampbell - 19-3-2008 at 07:39 AM
That loop would be for securing the bridles for packing. By itself I am not sure it would be effective with a third line to it. I would cut some
stitches in the trailing edge near ribs and sew in some fabric tabs for bridle attachements- probably 3 per side.
silvereaglekiter - 19-3-2008 at 10:31 AM
I might give it a try this summer if I get some line thanks fore all the