Power Kite Forum

Help In Mass with a depower

dgkid78 - 17-3-2008 at 03:26 PM

So i Have had my HQ Montana2 7.0 for about 2 months now been out with it a ton of times, it's my first depower kite, and i feel i have the damm thing on the ground more than i have it up in the air and when it gets in the air it just bow ties. adjust this and try this knot and adjust that arggggggg wish someone in my area flew depowers. All i got in my area is Quad revs. flying. I sorta get the concept that the trim strap is pulled too much or not enough. but dammmm takes forever to adjust the thing. Then again i am flying it static, cause i am trying to get use to it first before i get on a board. but at this rate i dunno if i ever will get a board :o. did it take anyone else this long to get use to there first depower????

strictlycarved - 17-3-2008 at 04:29 PM

hey im having a tough time to. its pretty intimidating to put that board under your feet. ive had some success in the snow but the land i cant say the same for. just keep trying hard . im learning on a PL 1120 does anyone have any suggestions for me also. :ticking:

B-Roc - 18-3-2008 at 09:13 AM

where in MA are you? There are plenty of depower filers who mostly surf but there are enough of them out there to help you. Many of the land based riders (board and buggy) hit Nahant beach. Powerlinesports.com is the forum for the local scene.

Bladerunner - 18-3-2008 at 09:31 AM

Do you have the manual ? Are you aware that your center lines go to the front and back lines go to the bar ? That is opposite a fixed bridle. Are your lines the right length ? Back lines too tight ?

Just why is it on the ground ?

Do you know that to launch you push the bar all the way out to full depower ?

Pulling the bar in while the kite is in the power zone stalls the kite not power up as you might expect.

Those last 2 are sort of opposite what I expected until you think about it.

KiteProject - 18-3-2008 at 10:29 AM


I fly in MA as well. If you go to Nahant on a weekend, you'll find a bunch of kiters with their depower kites.

Good luck!

Originally posted by dgkid78
So i Have had my HQ Montana2 7.0 for about 2 months now been out with it a ton of times, it's my first depower kite, and i feel i have the damm thing on the ground more than i have it up in the air and when it gets in the air it just bow ties. adjust this and try this knot and adjust that arggggggg wish someone in my area flew depowers. All i got in my area is Quad revs. flying. I sorta get the concept that the trim strap is pulled too much or not enough. but dammmm takes forever to adjust the thing. Then again i am flying it static, cause i am trying to get use to it first before i get on a board. but at this rate i dunno if i ever will get a board :o. did it take anyone else this long to get use to there first depower????

dgkid78 - 18-3-2008 at 12:39 PM

Where is Nahant Beach??? thanks for info guys

KiteProject - 18-3-2008 at 01:06 PM

Nahant is in Lynn, MA near the Revere Beach. You can Google Map
"nahant causeway, lynn, ma" and that should do it for you.

Originally posted by dgkid78
Where is Nahant Beach??? thanks for info guys

acampbell - 18-3-2008 at 02:22 PM

Originally posted by snowbird
Do you have the manual ? Are you aware that your center lines go to the front and back lines go to the bar ? That is opposite a fixed bridle. Are your lines the right length ? Back lines too tight ?

Just why is it on the ground ?

Do you know that to launch you push the bar all the way out to full depower ?

Pulling the bar in while the kite is in the power zone stalls the kite not power up as you might expect.

Those last 2 are sort of opposite what I expected until you think about it.

Excellent points. We also need to ask what winds you were in. That kite will need 10 mph to fly well and really prefer 12 if flying static. With practice you could launch it in less and then get it moving on a board where the apparent wind created will get it behaving right. At low speeds it's bass-ackwards: you have to push the bar out to "power up" (get it flying at all)- maybe even reach forward and grab the center lines and tug, but watch out for the safety relase right there.

dgkid78 - 18-3-2008 at 04:59 PM

Had it out yesterday in 15+ MPH what i meant to say is it has its days, some days i have no prob and other days i just can't figure out the trim strap and the kite bow ties or over flys i try to adjust to the wind conditions. I guess i just need more practice practice practice practice.

KiteProject - 18-3-2008 at 05:22 PM


Just curious, is this your first power kite?

I recently bought a depower kite which needs to be taken out but I have flown power kite for a while now and own many fixed bridal kites. Those kites sometime bowtie -- happened a lot when I started out because I'd loop the kite and wasn't able to control it.

dgkid78 - 18-3-2008 at 05:24 PM

Originally posted by KiteProject

Just curious, is this your first power kite?

I recently bought a depower kite which needs to be taken out but I have flown power kite for a while now and own many fixed bridal kites. Those kites sometime bowtie -- happened a lot when I started out because I'd loop the kite and wasn't able to control it.

It's my first Depower Kite. I have Some Fixed Bridles. I got some Crossfires.

bluefunelement - 30-3-2008 at 08:17 AM

I am going up to Nahant a few days a week for static/landboard flying to get used to my new kites and till it warms up - drop me a U2U if you want to catch up there.
