I'm currently working retail in the local mall, and when I leave at night, I see a rather large, empty, lit parking lot that would be a BLAST to
cruise on after work. I saw 4m lines on Ebay for pretty cheap, and think that I could easily navigate the light poles with those short lines.
Any words against this? I'm going to talk to the security guards tomorrow, who watch the mall at night, but I know one of them believes there are
gnomes in the mall, and sets traps to attempt to catch them..so I don't think I'm too worried about gaining permission.
I'd kill for an after work late night ride before heading to bed..or out for some late night fun.Bladerunner - 17-3-2008 at 07:14 PM
The intended purpose of those lines is as extensions .
I don't have experience with short lines but I think Lou Wainman uses 10m lines ???WELDNGOD - 17-3-2008 at 07:38 PM
For insurance reasons , the mall security will probably stop you. And the police most certainly will.(public safety) Other than that try it.share
results with us.NPWfever - 17-3-2008 at 08:11 PM
Gnomes? And he sets traps? NPWfever - 17-3-2008 at 08:12 PM
Gnomes? And he sets traps? BeamerBob - 18-3-2008 at 03:49 AM
this guy doesn't get to carry a firearm does he?:puzzled:
We wouldn't want him to hurt one of the gnomes.barnes - 18-3-2008 at 03:52 AM
Originally posted by WELDNGOD
For insurance reasons , the mall security will probably stop you. And the police most certainly will.(public safety) Other than that try it.share
results with us.
We'll see..if they ask me to stop, stop I will.
So, would a 4 line foil (Pansh Blaze probably) function on 4m lines?
And no, the guards do not carry guns...thank god. I wouldn't work there if they did..I would hate to be mistaken for a gnome.NPWfever - 18-3-2008 at 05:56 AM
What do you wear and how tall are you?! barnes - 18-3-2008 at 12:32 PM
Mostly red and white stripes, and about 4'...oh crap.
But really...I'd be one big, ugly gnome. I'd shoot myself if I thought I was a gnome.strictlycarved - 18-3-2008 at 01:18 PM
I have never been able to trap a gnome,I find it is easier to chase them down using a kite on 4 foot lines.Best place to find them is in the mall
parking lot as they like to hang out there at night.
Just remember you're not kiting you're chasing gnomes.Maybe the guard will join you.WELDNGOD - 20-3-2008 at 10:14 AM
A good defense against gnomes Is a chainsaw or a 9 iron.USA_Eli_A - 20-3-2008 at 11:59 AM
watch the gnomes for sure, the parking lot security is easy to avoid if you have defense against gnomes. We had a blast at the Orange County
Convention center in Orlando until 'someone' crashed the kite into a light pole....borrowing a boom truck from a driver buy save the kite....