Power Kite Forum

Iowa kiters! Where are you?

sodfarmkiter - 18-3-2008 at 06:37 PM

I'm just curious If there are any Iowa kiters near me? I live in the quad cities area and I have to kite all by myself.:( I know you live in the same state Davinch, but your roughly 4 to 5 hrs. drive. Don"t get me wrong love to kite with with you but I don't get to your side of Iowa very often.:smug: so does anyone else live any closer? I got a real big sod farm to buggy or board on:singing:

lunchbox - 18-3-2008 at 07:25 PM

Man, I would kill to have an open area like that close to home! How's the wind in Iowa? From what I hear from DaVinch, it seems like it's pretty consistent...at least in his part of Iowa.

SecondWind - 18-3-2008 at 08:08 PM

That looks really nice! How large of an area?

Do you ride on new sod or just after it's been removed down to fresh soil?

sodfarmkiter - 18-3-2008 at 10:57 PM

A couple thousand acres plus. I can ride on the whole thing but I usually stick to the cut areas. On a normal day we cut a couple of acres out of the field, so the dirt areas get pretty big pretty fast. It takes a couple of weeks (depending on the weather) for the re-growth starts to show. But by then we've opened up another big spot to play in. Just for those who don't know, we plant the grass once, then two seasons later we cut it to sell. Then it volunteers itself back, No seeding! two seasons later and we can sell it again. It tries to come back a third time, but by then it starts to get scattered. Sorry if you now know to much.:puzzled:

Now I'm a block and a half in from the road that's behind me in the top pic and the field goes all the way to the treeline in the distance. that pic is looking west. The second pic is looking north and over those trees and that white barn is another set of fields just like the one I'm sitting in. Just a small idea of the size of the place. As far as the wind goes lunchbox It's a little bumpy from time to time, but I'm not complaining. the crappy thing is that the wind always seems to die at 5 o'clock when I get off of work:(

ripsessionkites - 19-3-2008 at 12:26 AM

i could come see you for a week if you want. its more space than i got here. :D

are you close to Cedar Rapids? i just input YVR to IOWA in Travelocity and that came up.

round trip from May 06 to May 13 is only $500 USD. can I stay at your house?

lunchbox - 19-3-2008 at 09:29 AM

Hey SFK,

There is an area near my house that appears to be a mini sod farm and a large area about 20 miles from my house that is currently dirt but I heard it is going to be a sod farm. What is the best way to approach the owner to see if you can use that area for buggying or landboarding?

sodfarmkiter - 19-3-2008 at 04:09 PM

I actually worked at the sod farm where I kite. But I plan get permission from one of the other sod farms in my area. Not really sure if I should mention having worked for the competition or not. The only reason I would even check the other place out is there is some really cool little hills. :D But really try to explain how you would take out anything that you brought. trash, kite stakes etc. Maybe mention that you have friends on the forum that kite at sod farms already. I'm not really sure, I just asked my boss if I could kite and he said yep! And what if I ride a buggy underneath my kite, and he said huh! But after I explained it, he said there would be no problem. they ride dunebuggys and quad runners on it. The sod really is pretty tuff.:karate: I hoped that helped a little.

sodfarmkiter - 28-3-2008 at 02:44 PM

Oh and yes I do live close to Cedar Rapids, as far as staying with me I'd say yes but my wife would say WTF! She's not the kite lover that I am. Not to mention two more weeks and I'm back to work, not as much time to play.

Krohn1999 - 18-4-2008 at 11:41 PM

Hey Sodfarm kiter,

I am going to be visiting Iowa this June/Juli. I will be staying in Fort Dodge. Is this close to you? I would love to get together and do some kiting. I will be in the states for 4 weeks and don't know how I will survive that long without kiting.


sodfarmkiter - 21-4-2008 at 04:47 PM

Ft.Dodge is about three hours plus from me but their is a kiteboarding scene up in that area.

Krohn1999 - 22-4-2008 at 08:28 AM

Thats too bad that it is so far away!!

Anyone live close to Ft.Dodge??
I'm not much into Kiteboarding but I'm willing to give it a try!!


nickbuol - 3-6-2010 at 07:25 PM

Reviving an old thread.

I'm in the process of moving from Des Moines to Cedar Rapids. Looking for a nice place to go flying. Was thinking maybe about Seminole Valley Park, but not sure if there is any wind down there or such.

flyjump - 3-6-2010 at 10:25 PM

There's at least 2 guys I know in DES moines that kite atb. Although one is in boot camp currently.

stetson05 - 4-6-2010 at 10:58 AM

I used to live in Cedar Rapids and as far as places to fly, I would bet you could fly at Washington High school. There are a couple of other high schools around like maybe Kennedy and I think Prarrie Highschool would work. I would guess for buggying or atb that Prairie would be the best because it is more open around it.

kitekid21 - 20-4-2011 at 08:46 AM

I currently go to college in the quad cities at Augustana (yes, the other side of the river (gasp)). I've been looking for some spots to hit up. This is looking fantastic if it is still available!!!!

joeblinky - 5-9-2011 at 08:55 PM

Holy Crap!!!! i live in Des Moines i am totally game on flying out there the next time wind and time decide to team up together! send me your info.... anyone in Iowa for that matter!!!!

dannyjive - 24-6-2014 at 04:34 PM

Reviving this thread again. You still in Davenport? I'm new to this sport and don't really know anyone in this area that does it...