Baluk - 20-3-2008 at 09:26 PM
taking a look at that, could work well for hooking my harness up to a strop?
whadaya think?
Kiteboarder2B - 21-3-2008 at 12:35 AM
Interesting idea and a good find, but I don't think it's intended application would work here.
The lack of an "eye" or "gate", however you would term it, suggests that this carabiner's pulley was designed to have a constant and consistent load
on it. Without the "eye" to prevent the rope/strop from jumping the track, anytime the load lightens and the beaner moves, which will be downward, the
rope has the possibilty of sliding around in the beaner. With a regular pulley, the eye will keep the rope against or near the surface even when the
load lightens and moves.
The other problem is that it appears the pulley is too small, looks like the diameter is the equal to the thickness of the biner. The smaller
diameter the pulley, the closer each line will be to each other. This affects how smooth the actual pulley action will be. The larger diameter the
pulley, the further the ropes will be from each other and the more surface area the rope has in contact with the pulley, making the effort smoother
and easier and with less energy.
Seen any other versions of this pulley/biner?
WELDNGOD - 21-3-2008 at 05:19 AM
pulley biners are for climbing. you really need a micro pully here's an arborists link this is where I get my climbing gear.
BeamerBob - 21-3-2008 at 06:55 AM
They have some nice stuff that applies to a kiters needs. If I have trouble with my pulley, I will pick one up from them. Good stuff at reasonable
WELDNGOD - 21-3-2008 at 04:42 PM
Another one that I've used is
kiteNH - 21-3-2008 at 04:51 PM
I'm looking to do the same thing I think. I need a pulley setup to connect a strop line to the spreader bar on my harness. This has probably has
been discussed before, but I don't recall the proper setup and recommended pulleys. Wichard something or other?
PrairieWind - 21-3-2008 at 08:22 PM
Dakine makes a roller spreader bar. That might be easiest.
kiteNH - 21-3-2008 at 08:41 PM
Have you tried one of those? It looks like the strop would fall off whenever it went slack and fall off. That could be annoying.
strictlycarved - 21-3-2008 at 10:26 PM
i have a couple of those for climbing it cuts down on rope drag. and yea i tried them on the kite and it was no dice.