Power Kite Forum

Flysurfer Phsyco 2

manitoulinkiter1 - 25-3-2008 at 06:28 PM

Anyone here know anything about the Phsyco 2. Were they a good kite? Specifically the 13 meter?

Thanks Jon.

domdino - 25-3-2008 at 06:37 PM

Yeah they were good for their time, a bit slow by todays standard but definitely a good smooth ride with awesome lift! You should be able to pick one up nice and cheap nowadays, i had a 10m a long time ago, liked it but i wasn't completely won over by flysurfer until the psycho III

powerzone - 25-3-2008 at 07:05 PM

the Psycho2 has a limited wind range.... it felt like we were either slogging or overpowered.

the 10m is probably the best size of any of the p2 kites, but you'd be better off with a Pulse1 ... a WAY BETTER KITE for not much more $.

Bladerunner - 26-3-2008 at 09:26 AM

I agree,

I always felt a bit uneasy on land with my Phsyco II . The pulse on the other hand allows me to relax. A much more forgiving kite for sure. With the Pulse II out to good reviews the Pulse I should be dropping a bit.

Originally posted by powerzone
the Psycho2 has a limited wind range.... it felt like we were either slogging or overpowered.

the 10m is probably the best size of any of the p2 kites, but you'd be better off with a Pulse1 ... a WAY BETTER KITE for not much more $.

manitoulinkiter1 - 26-3-2008 at 02:29 PM

Hey thanks guys. I saw one for sale on another forum. I'm not in a rush so I'll take your advice and wait for a pulse or a Ps 3.
Thanks Jon.