Power Kite Forum

Video cam in kite bridles?

kitedemon - 26-3-2008 at 04:19 PM

Hi all,
I have been playing with placing an atc2k bullet type video cam in the kite bridles (duct tape). I have not had very much success it is very very shaky and it keeps flipping over and over all in all it really make me feel sick looking at it. Any advice?

Bladerunner - 26-3-2008 at 05:01 PM

I haven't had the chance to try mine in the kite yet. Popeye the welder has some very nice video from the kite. Check him out on youtube. I believe he mounts his out near one wing tip ? :puzzled: Must be on a larger kite ? I would have mounted it near the center but expected dizzy shots like you discribe.

kitedemon - 26-3-2008 at 05:13 PM

I looked at his vids, I mounted it just above the speed system pulley on my access 10. It was a lighter wind day so maybe it needs more power than I had... :puzzled:

Rye - 26-3-2008 at 05:22 PM

Lets see the vids anyway :)

Rye - 26-3-2008 at 06:22 PM

I wonder if, with a bit of experimentation, you could have the camera free dropped just below the kite on a line. The line connects to the camera and a "wind vane" sorta weighted thing. maybe this would keep the camera somewhat pointed into the wind and slower moving??

Juggernaut72 - 26-3-2008 at 07:09 PM

This guy has a whole site dedicated to kite photography.