tantor - 27-3-2008 at 05:10 PM
Hello! I am in the process for getting back into kites. I have quite a collection of two line kites. The only power kites I currently own is a set
of FlexFoils 6ft, 8ft and 10ft. It is enough to pull 300lb kiter. I have a set of Sand ski's that were made and sold locally in Oregon by Stan. He
would Ski behind a stack of Hawian Team Kites.
My Question is it does appear that most of the power kites are the Quad Line kites. For someone who knows how to fly two line kites should i step
into a power quad line kite or should i learn on a smaller kite, and any suggestions on a kite to try out that will be able to move a 300lb monster?
Bladerunner - 27-3-2008 at 05:17 PM
:o :P :?: :wow: SAND SKIS :wow: :?::P :o
:!: I want to see these :!:
:ticking: Can you post a Picture please :ticking:
B-Roc - 27-3-2008 at 05:28 PM
If you are interested in traction you should definately go four line. What are you interested in? Static flying, boarding, skiing, jumping?
Depending upon what you want to do will make a difference in the type of kite you fly.
DAKITEZ - 27-3-2008 at 06:52 PM
I second the sand ski's picture. Picture please :o
tantor - 27-3-2008 at 10:19 PM
I will get a picture up tomorrow of the skis. I think i would like to get into a buggy but i do not think i will be tring to fly. I am a little more
of a mellow fellow.
:singing: Thanks :singing:
DAKITEZ - 27-3-2008 at 10:29 PM
there are a few guys on here from oregon. I'm sure they would let you try a kite. quadline for sure. I was in your shoes not too long ago and now I
don't even want to touch a dual line kite. I keep looking for the brakes :o
Mostly eveyone recommends a 3m for your first power kite, but you are larger than most so I would say atleast 4m. Others will come along with alot
better knowledge than me. Good luck
BeamerBob - 28-3-2008 at 02:53 AM
With your extensive flying resume, you can handle a 4 in most conditions but later you will still need a high wind kite and then you'll have a 4 and
want a 3m or a 2.5 which will have 2 kites very close in size. The 3 is going to have alot of power and then you will want a larger kite later. Go
with a 3m 4 line to start with and then you can go bigger on your second kite.
acampbell - 28-3-2008 at 06:04 AM
Yeah kites have evolved a lot since those 2-line Flexis (which are still fine!). Bobby is right; the 3m would be a good choice. You could fly a 4m
for sure, but 3m will give you a wider wind range over time. Then you will want a 5-6m for lighter winds later.
Consider an HQ, Beamer III, Peter Lynn Pepper II, Flexifoil Sting or Rage
tantor - 28-3-2008 at 06:36 PM
Thanks again for all the advice
below is a picture of the ski's you wear sneakers and just step into the ski