The worst thing is that you will be purchasing an illegal design from a company that has stolen it from the original manufacturer. What this does is
cuts out all of the R&D, marketing, testing, design, layout, printing and other costs and allows the bogus company to sell the kite for much less.
First you may think "WOW! I can buy the same kite for pennies" but what you are really doing is saying "I am going to cut out sales from the original
manufacturer so that they will not be able to make the kites profitable in the long run". If the original designer cannot make any profit in the kites
they design, they will have to shut down and will no longer design kites which means the illegal copy company will not have any kites to copy and we
will not have any kites to buy at all. The worst thing is that you will purchase a bogus knock-off that will be a piece of crap kite and that will
make you and the others with you think that the original manufacturer kite (that uses the good materials and construction) is also a garbage kite,
giving the company that works hard to produce a great product the wrong reputation and also hurting sales in the long run. |