Power Kite Forum

Homemade ARC?

NPWfever - 30-3-2008 at 10:03 AM

I need a 5m foil and started to think about trying to make a depower.
After bridling the my NPW I remembered what a pain it was and the idea
of making an arc shot through my head. Does anyone have any experience
with this? I have the bar and lines from my bomba, stakes, fabric to make the
profiles, i just need skins and zippers. I would like a rather lifty kite, so I need to
make it fairly high AR right? And I'm not gonna try anything fancy, just a rectangle.
And the spars straight to the kite, I can always adjust my base line AoA w/ leaders
after. for a five meter would 1m X 5m work? Thats kinda high AR and would be 5m^2
and a simple rectangle. Because the kite curves do I need to make the lower skin shorter
than the upper skin? Like top skin=5m and lower skin=4.7m? Or does it just need to be
5m and 5m? Also the profiles would need to get thinner at the edges correct? Does anyone
have a good chord for a lifty kite?
Also do the seems need to be reinforced with paracord like my NPW?
Or do they need to have an extra strip of ripstop? Or can they just be straight ripstop to ripstop?
I am thinking ripstop to ripstop on the profiles and paracord around all the edges.

Thanks guys,

NPWfever - 31-3-2008 at 09:12 PM

K so this post got boring.....but UPDATE!! Yay! Decided to just go for it. Here's how far i've gotten, and those profiles are just laid out not sewn on. I know that they need 2 go on the inside, lol.

AlmostThere! .jpg - 99kB

NPWfever - 31-3-2008 at 09:12 PM

K so this post got boring.....but UPDATE!! Yay! Decided to just go for it. Here's how far i've gotten, and those profiles are just laid out not sewn on. I know that they need 2 go on the inside, lol.

AlmostThere! .jpg - 99kB

sodfarmkiter - 31-3-2008 at 09:52 PM

That's a lot more than I would take on. But good luck and can't wait to see it...

kullas - 1-4-2008 at 06:25 AM

Looks good keep us updated

Bladerunner - 1-4-2008 at 09:00 AM

Man, you are growing into one cool DIY guy !

Best of luck :!:

NPWfever - 1-4-2008 at 12:14 PM

Thanks guys! And it's not hard work it's just 15 hours in front of a sewing machine. And about $75. So even if it only halfway works its not bad considering the cost. Making an www.instructables.com
of it so when its done look for it there and give it a shot!


sodfarmkiter - 1-4-2008 at 01:26 PM

Alright i give. What is a DIY guy?:puzzled:

barnes - 1-4-2008 at 01:33 PM

Do It Yourself.

Nice work Nick!

sodfarmkiter - 1-4-2008 at 01:48 PM

Duh! So simple and yet I couldn't figure it out.:puzzled:
Dam acronyms...

Taper123 - 1-4-2008 at 04:58 PM

I counted 15 ribs in the picture... that all your going to use???
You using the same profile thoughout, or thinner at the tips?
Instead of cord, maybe a nylon strap from tip to tip through loops to allow you to adjust and That way the load is spread throughout the kite?

NPWfever - 1-4-2008 at 06:48 PM

I measured my Ace and they were a foot apart, I figured that would be good, should they get closer at the tips? It's the same profile throughout, Then I was just gonna have it go from the profile to the spar over the last foot, should I do it over the last 2? I do need to add some nylon strap, and probably an adjustable TE cuz I can. :lol: And any other help would be really nice, thanks.

macboy - 1-4-2008 at 07:41 PM

Nick, make sure you post a link to the Instructable when you're done - no matter the outcome! Man you're inspiring.....

bigkahuna - 2-4-2008 at 03:22 AM

Are you a member of the Yahoo FoilDesign Group ( http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Foildesign/ )? I used to hang out there when I was toying with the idea of building my own arc. Lots of experienced builders and good info there. There also were a couple Arc - type kite plans floating around the internet, one was a Phantom clone, the other a Bomba clone. I did a quick Google and couldn't find them, but they may still be out there.

Taper123 - 2-4-2008 at 05:16 AM

wingine.nl >> speed

The Guals are on there as well, terrific kites for cruising in a buggy or as a first foil to make.

strictlycarved - 2-4-2008 at 10:35 AM

sweet nick hope it turns out good for you.

foil construction

kitejumping - 2-4-2008 at 01:12 PM

Taper123: What foils have you made? A Junkie by any chance?

Taper123 - 3-4-2008 at 10:49 AM

A Junkie, Guals, and Tribals.

Junkies are good kites, I just don't like the way Foilmaker prints plans as opposed to Surfplan.

kitejumping - 3-4-2008 at 02:26 PM

My main kite for the past 4 years mountainboarding has been the Junkie S50... Its been like 2 years since I updated that site, but has construction pictures and pics of the finished kite. I'd say my current wind range with it is about 12-29mph, only thing is to get good jumps with a mountainboard you have to move REALLY fast, and then constantly redirect it in the air. Its a blast to fly though and speed wobble isn't that bad if you fly it at a higher angle and let the kite hold some of your weight. Do you have any pictures of your kites posted? (specifically the junkie)