Originally posted by elvislives
Not much info coming out of buggy town on the forum. I talked to Brad and Susan yesterday and they were driving to Ivanpah. Said there was no wind @
Superior the day before, so they strung a rope from a pickup and went on a 10 mile journey pulling about 20 buggies through different types of
terrain. Brad said it was a great event and there were these young Australians representing FlexFoil that made the ride interesting as they kept
changing places on the rope and doing tricks. Sounds like a blast. They had to stop for a few flat tires and the rope broke once.
OK, Miss Shannon, since you've been to the gala, we need some info. Any racing going on? I take it from your post you didn't stay around for
the evening shot car races (If I seem obsessed by the shot car races, I see them as a great way to meet people in camp, whether I'm using water,
tequila, Crown Royal, Kool Aid, Crown Royal, juice boxes, Crown Royal, Sterno, or Crown Royal for fuel. Don't worry, I won't blow an engine:barf: !).
How many folks were on the Playa? I'll ask all loud redheads if they are Shannon when I get there. I resemble Big Elvis although I don't look like
him and can't sing like him. I need a little more wind than most folks to get going.
I am counting down. 41 hours 4 minutes and 22 seconds and I will be there.
Mood: How can I work? |