SKYWLKR - 10-4-2008 at 05:46 PM
I have an Old PL comp buggy with some 40,60 and 80 foot Skytigers along with a 3.4m NPW9.
It also has a quadrifoil harness with roller hook.
Along with several line sets from 250-500lbs and 40-80 foot.
Are the Skytigers worth using? or would selling and putting into a new kite set be better (BTW I get kites @ cost)
What kite?
We have very light winds here but nice fields.
NPWfever - 10-4-2008 at 06:01 PM
Hmmm... Kites at cost...ur my new best friend!
SKYWLKR - 10-4-2008 at 06:07 PM
Is this forum run by a sponsor or Kite shop?
Bladerunner - 11-4-2008 at 08:27 AM
If the sponsor of this site has a kite shop I'm not aware of it.
Many of the contributers have shops or interests.
This site is refreshing in that these folks can speak up with 1st hand knowledge and not be judged as biased unfairly. One of the many reasons this is
my favorite site !
krumly - 11-4-2008 at 09:48 AM
Skywlkr -
If the gear isn't new, and you're not trying to sell it as new old stock, bust it out and roll. There are newer, better kites, for sure, but those
Skytigers will work fine. Sounds like you have a quiver from about 3.5 -7 m. If winds are that light, you may go bigger, sooner. Fly now sell later.
SKYWLKR - 11-4-2008 at 10:31 AM
The Skytigers just seem so slugish compared to the NPW and my rev's...
Is that the nature of the beast with large power kites?
Taper123 - 11-4-2008 at 11:06 AM
Large kites can be like flying a bus in the way they handle. Slow to turn and manuever. I like to fly my bigger foils on a cross-over bar, the
added brake action really helps them handle better. There are some that use handles with pulleys on them as well.
SKYWLKR - 11-4-2008 at 11:21 AM
What area do I post to find other Traction kiters in my area?
The Friend I got the kites and buggy from is not so local and is fairly tied up at work.
macboy - 11-4-2008 at 11:27 AM
For the longest while, I too thought the bigger kites were too sluggish but then someone taught me how to steer with the brakes (on handles) instead
of pulling the handles and now I can spin the 7+'s almost around their axis. That day opened up a whole new world for me.
I barely pull the handles anymore - I seem to get way more response out of the brakes alone PLUS it carries more power through the turn.
I found that the best way to find locals is to go out and fly. I've run into more kiters that were out walking their dog where I was flying then I
have any other way short of local kite festivals and the like.
SKYWLKR - 11-4-2008 at 12:07 PM
I'm flying it like a quad line kite with very little dualline like control inputs
Sthrasher38 - 11-4-2008 at 02:25 PM
Welcome to the forum.
DAKITEZ - 11-4-2008 at 02:40 PM
SKYWLKR welcome !
Put your location on your profile and that might help others that are local realize you are there.