Power Kite Forum

Add your stories to the NABX site

NABX - 11-4-2008 at 05:38 AM

If you registered for this year's event, you may login to the members site and add stories (w/pics) to the NABX site. Share your NABX experiences, post your favorite photos... we'd love to add your stories to our site.

Just login to the members site and click the 'Submit an article' link.

Also, if you have a web album with NABX pics, send us the URL and we'll link to you.

ripsessionkites - 12-4-2008 at 07:17 PM

when is the deadline, just got home yesterday from Vegas (april 11), havent had the time to reply to emails, sort pics, edit video yet.

NABX - 13-4-2008 at 07:16 AM

There is no deadline. The members site is open all year 'round and you may submit stories about NABX as often as you like.

deanaoxo - 13-4-2008 at 02:50 PM

Seriously folks, this is our site, yours, mine, and whomever, so use it!

Let's share the love, the stories, the pictures, and why we have so much dad gum fun out there in the middle of the desert.

For instance, anyone want to tell why a trophy made of camp fire melted glass and old buggy parts is worth more to someone who has a wall full of trophies than any other one they've ever gotten?

Go with it.


elvislives - 13-4-2008 at 03:51 PM

The campfire melted glass is called an "Object D'Art" where I come from and takes lots of patience to turn and heat just right. When said with a few beers, it comes out "Object Dart" and nobody knows what you are talking about.


NABX - 14-4-2008 at 10:17 AM

Remember: to post your stories to the NABX site, just login to the members site and click the 'Submit an article' link.