ickyrex - 11-4-2008 at 11:52 AM
Enjoy, mostly Blokart stuff, but some NABX too.
mecdave - 13-4-2008 at 07:53 AM
Very nice Jason. Hope you're getting along well.
I've updated my NABX '08 album too and moved all previous event albums to the more user friendly Picasa Web...
Note: In the past I was able to provide separate sub-albums for those, like you Jason, who sent their photos in. I haven't figured out how to do that
yet with Picasa, so all the photos were sent in are now lumped together under each event's album, no sub-albums. Sorry.
Cat - 15-4-2008 at 06:57 PM
Jason great job on the video and pictures - I love watching the video ! Hope you are recovering in good form! Cat
ickyrex - 16-4-2008 at 09:39 AM
Link to second video of the racing tune-up runs.
leebrianh - 16-4-2008 at 10:10 AM
good videos. makes me feel like I am in the middle of racing
ickyrex - 17-4-2008 at 08:13 AM
I really missed hanging out with you. I had a lot more "social" time this year due to a shoulder injury. Hope we can get together. Call me, we are
considering some day trips for wind powered fun. TTFN
bugymangp - 17-4-2008 at 09:22 AM
hey jason
let me know about day sailing. i might be able to come.
work on the 30` chevy is just about done. i only got the brakes to do and i can get it back on its wheels.
i already had offers on the car. BUT ITS NOT FOR SALE.
BeamerBob - 17-4-2008 at 09:51 AM
that's a looooong Chevy. :o
ickyrex - 17-4-2008 at 12:19 PM
We are thinking of going to Brigantine NJ to sail on Fran's beach or Floyd Bennett or even Wildwood if the conditions are optimal.
We have a new buggier from Philly as well as guys from the surrounding area that would be interested. PA is starting to really represent......
Hope to see you soon. BTW, got full credit for the unused flights, we can re-use it for DBBB or something else. (only used one leg of the 4 we
booked, I went home w/ Fran on Sat on USAIR)
Talk to you soon, hopefully i will be ready to sail in a couple of weeks.
bugymangp - 17-4-2008 at 12:37 PM
thanks jason
keep me posted and call me when your ready.
how you healing up??? still in pain???
when i didn`t go to nabx this year. i used the time off to fix my house probem and worked on the car. i can`t wait to drive it. i still got alot of
adjustments to do when i get it back on its wheels.
now my friend just picked up a 1948 chevy stylemaster basket case. rotted thur the floor and trunk area. he just got it last sunday. i went to pull
the spark plugs out and shoot some oil down the cyl`s and the engine fell over.
so that engine is shot. now we are planning to make it a hot rod with a modern drive train. not bring it back to stock. with all the help he gave me
on the 30` i have to help him with this car. say hi to mindy for me and i`m sorry i couldn`t make it to nabx this year. the whole time i was off i
was thinking of my buggy family. you guys are never to far from my thoughts.
aj just shot me a u2u and said hes coming to wildwood for the kite fest. i might shoot down there for the day and hook up with him.
kitemaker4 - 17-4-2008 at 07:17 PM
Hey Glenn
Your buggy family sure did miss you at nabx. It felt a little strange that you were not there.
Susan (npw goddess)