Power Kite Forum


dgkid78 - 11-4-2008 at 07:08 PM

Just Noticed that HQ has the APEX 3M Depower. Didn't even know a depower this small existed. Is this for a little kid learning? or for the physco in extremely High winds?? I know it's an entry level depower, but anyone ever try this kite?:piggy:

Dutch - 12-4-2008 at 12:03 AM

I own one :-) It is not for kids, it will only fly in high winds, and only is fun flying at 20mph and up. Used it for buggying at NABX... But, I should have bought a fixed bridle with handles. The depower at this size does not make much sense :-\

dgkid78 - 12-4-2008 at 06:05 AM

Originally posted by Dutch
I own one :-) It is not for kids, it will only fly in high winds, and only is fun flying at 20mph and up. Used it for buggying at NABX... But, I should have bought a fixed bridle with handles. The depower at this size does not make much sense :-\

Interesting. thanks alot man:D