Power Kite Forum

Kite buggy plans

low hook 75 - 12-4-2008 at 08:51 AM

I am very interested in building a kite buggy. I have access to a good welding facility and they are great at taking a drawing and making it happen. Are there any plans available out in internet land that are like 'free-ware' ? Would like to avoid the old 'drawing on a napkin' routine if I could avoid it .
I cannot WAIT to do this !!!

SCREWYFITS - 13-4-2008 at 07:59 PM

Hey Look Hook 75,

Welcome to PKF and congrats on your choice of a build project, its a great feeling to complete a project like this... and use it.:thumbup::thumbup:

I'm under way with my own project now...;)

I think I remember seeing blueprints on www.popeyethewelder.com web site, he is also a member who goes by popeyethewelder... go figure... :frog:

Popeye... is the guru :cool: of the custom build buggies and he is a genuinely :saint: helpful guy. His site is very informative and he posts home built buggies that are good reference and great for ideas. When you are finished with yours he'll post a pic of it on his site if you get it to him.

Unfortunately, I don't remember where the blueprints were on his site... his site is big and very informative. You may want to try and reach him here or his site and ask for his advice or help. Don't be surprised if you catch yourself surfing his site often.:o

I must admit you are in the right spot for help this forum is a phenomenal community of fantastic people that can be considered by some a family.


SCREWYFITS - 13-4-2008 at 08:04 PM

Funny thing... I just found myself surfing his site... :yes: guess what... I found, what I think you are looS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-n for...:thumbup:http://pic7.piczo.com/Popeyethewelder/?g=15600133 try this I hope this helps...;)


WELDNGOD - 13-4-2008 at 08:04 PM

Freestyle it! look at other designs and give it your own touch.:smilegrin:Oh yeah WELCOME to the forum!:frog:

SCREWYFITS - 13-4-2008 at 08:07 PM

Allow me to introduce Weldngod...
Hes is truly a god at welding and an encyclopedia of information...
Good luck

WELDNGOD - 13-4-2008 at 08:08 PM


NPWfever - 13-4-2008 at 08:20 PM

I made a buggy as well, I can probably help ya some. And it comes apart!

WELDNGOD - 13-4-2008 at 08:37 PM

I'll have to show you mine apart. It is four parts , forks w/ tire,gooseneck,seat/siderails,rear axle w/tires.It all fits in trunk of my 1986 Monte Carlo.And it only weighs 65 lbs.

popeyethewelder - 14-4-2008 at 10:05 AM

Thanks Screwy, for the comments

here are some links that may help

Basic Buggy Plans

Building A Race Buggy

Home Brew Buggies for inspiration

Good luck and keep us posted

Lobo - 14-4-2008 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by NPWfever
I made a buggy as well, I can probably help ya some. And it comes apart!

I hope you mean "it comes apart" on purpose???? :singing:

Lobo :smilegrin:

SCREWYFITS - 17-4-2008 at 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Lobo
Originally posted by NPWfever
I made a buggy as well, I can probably help ya some. And it comes apart!

I hope you mean "it comes apart" on purpose???? :singing:

Lobo :smilegrin:


NPWfever - 18-4-2008 at 07:49 PM

Yes it comes apart on purpose. :D And what is ILMO? :puzzled:

strictlycarved - 18-4-2008 at 07:52 PM

welcome low hook. this is truly the place to be for buggy building so much help can be found on this forum.

SCREWYFITS - 18-4-2008 at 08:40 PM

Originally posted by NPWfever
Yes it comes apart on purpose. :D And what is ILMO? :puzzled:

It means "I'm Laughing My a$$ Off"
No offense...

NPWfever - 18-4-2008 at 08:50 PM

Oh I'm used to LMAO Laughing My A$$ Off. None taken, just confused. :thumbup:

SCREWYFITS - 18-4-2008 at 10:33 PM

It's probably me thats cornfused...:puzzled:


low hook 75 - 22-4-2008 at 05:59 PM

To all those who have replied to date.......THANK YOU. All of the comments and suggestions and insights are appreciated. I may never get around to building the unit and may end up buying off the street but WTF, its good to know there's help out there. I have a question about kites now but I guess i should go to a different thread........dont want too much cross pollenation out here!!

NPWfever - 26-4-2008 at 09:33 AM

Cross pollination of a kite and kitebuggy could wind up w/ one strange looking beast.....:D

WELDNGOD - 26-4-2008 at 09:41 AM


NPWfever - 26-4-2008 at 06:48 PM

Ok weldngod winds in my book!!! (Like the wordplay?) :lol:

flexiblade - 26-4-2008 at 09:53 PM

What kind of buggying are you into or plan on being into? Freestyle buggying (for tricks and styling) or race buggying (going fast, very fast).

This will make all the difference when it comes to starting the design of your buggy and the materials you will need to complete it - popeye's buggy's are the nicest buggy's you'll find anywhere - but the construction of such a high quality buggy can be a bit cost prohibitive.

There are alternatives without making any sacrifices to sound design and durability. Stainless is the go to material but in recent times has become incredibly expensive. An alternative can be cold rolled steel tube (either square or round) used to create an up and over frame (two bars connected in intervals using a triangular matrix in stress points. The result is a durable framework that is a fraction of the price - the only bad thing is that you must either paint them often or powder coat to avoid corrosion.

For me half the fun is experimenting with different designs, stealing a little from here and there and hybriding them together to make something completely new. Something that I just saw recently that I have to steal is taking the straps that normally go along the top of the footpegs and slacking them under the footpegs for the back of your ankle to rest on. No more stress on your calves and thighs having to give constant pressure to keep your feet on the pegs. Dagon saw this on someone's buggy from NABX - whomever that was - AWESOME IDEA!!!

Anyhow, if you go buy a buggy - great, you'll have a good time - if you make a buggy - great, you'll have a good time. Hope good winds find their way to you.

popeyethewelder - 27-4-2008 at 04:43 AM

Originally posted by NPWfever
Cross pollination of a kite and kitebuggy could wind up w/ one strange looking beast.....:D

This has been happening all over Europe for some time now....nice


popeyethewelder - 27-4-2008 at 04:46 AM

Originally posted by flexiblade
What kind of buggying are you into or plan on being into? Freestyle buggying (for tricks and styling) or race buggying (going fast, very fast).

This will make all the difference when it comes to starting the design of your buggy and the materials you will need to complete it - popeye's buggy's are the nicest buggy's you'll find anywhere - but the construction of such a high quality buggy can be a bit cost prohibitive.

There are alternatives without making any sacrifices to sound design and durability. Stainless is the go to material but in recent times has become incredibly expensive. An alternative can be cold rolled steel tube (either square or round) used to create an up and over frame (two bars connected in intervals using a triangular matrix in stress points. The result is a durable framework that is a fraction of the price - the only bad thing is that you must either paint them often or powder coat to avoid corrosion.

For me half the fun is experimenting with different designs, stealing a little from here and there and hybriding them together to make something completely new. Something that I just saw recently that I have to steal is taking the straps that normally go along the top of the footpegs and slacking them under the footpegs for the back of your ankle to rest on. No more stress on your calves and thighs having to give constant pressure to keep your feet on the pegs. Dagon saw this on someone's buggy from NABX - whomever that was - AWESOME IDEA!!!

Anyhow, if you go buy a buggy - great, you'll have a good time - if you make a buggy - great, you'll have a good time. Hope good winds find their way to you.

Absolutley aggree, you can make a buggy as cheap or as expensive as you want.....if it has three wheels and a seat, you will have some fun.

Re foot strirrups, a few guys over here (UK) have been using them a while now made up from strong strapping, and they have said the results work very well and are very comfy...and a simple little mod anyone can add

here for anyone who's wondering what we are on about



Mrlucky - 30-4-2008 at 04:40 PM

Maybe this info should be stickied? Logs of different people here that seam they could help out a lot, and lots of links.

Would be nice to have a sticky link with contacts of who to talk to if you run into problems, and all the places people find on the net with kite buggy plans

popeyethewelder - 3-5-2008 at 12:20 AM

Ok guys I have added some more plans to the page, I also have some plans for a seat if anyone is interested, its a pity about the Libre plans, as they were quite good for the first time buggy maker.

in the mean time....Buggy Plans

popeyethewelder - 30-6-2009 at 02:04 PM


Hardrock - 30-6-2009 at 03:03 PM

Man, that is one bad azz buggy.

heliboy50 - 1-7-2009 at 02:22 AM

Holy crap, Popeye. I am such a slacker. Build #2 is rolling around in my head now.:spin: