thumper66067 - 13-4-2008 at 11:48 AM
Hi everyone, I am new to the forum and fairly new to power kites.
I have been flying a symphony 2.2 and 2.7 two line kites. I really would like to step into the quad line world. I have been reading many reviews
etc. and have narrowed my choice between either a 3.0 or 4.0 beamer. I would love to get some pros and cons of both also any other suggestions
welcome. I am 32 years old 6'1" and approx. 160lbs. Winds around here really vary but avg. in the 10-20mph range sometimes gusty. Also I will be
using the kite mainly on a 3.5 acre grass lot and just want something to give me a thrill. THANK YOU for your time..
solarix - 13-4-2008 at 12:25 PM
I am in position to offer advice other than my experience, not that much but, I have the Beamer III 4. I am going to get a 2m kite probably a Pansh.
The Beamer III 4 is a bunch for static flying in 20 MPH unless you are Hercules (IMO) I weigh 185lb and have flown, never injured but it is a thrill
if that is what you are after! I do not regret buying it at all, I just want something that I can control a bit better in higher winds, the mid-west
is gusty/choppy and not predictable. My next level is a buggy and I am building a board for water, I think the 4 will give a fair intro to playing in
the water long as I don't crash it in the water.......
With the kites you have I would go for the 4 or _maybe_ even the 5 unless your 2.7 is a really lite pulling kite a 4 is not going to be a bunch more
is it? The Beamer 4 is very powerful in 20MPH.
kiteNH - 13-4-2008 at 12:59 PM
For static flying in 10-20 mph I'd go with the 3m. I haven't flown the 4m, but if you're mainly going to fly static then I think you'll feel
overpowered in those winds. The 3m will give you plenty of pull at 15 and I think you'll have about all you can handle at 20 mph.
thumper66067 - 13-4-2008 at 01:46 PM
Thank you very much, I am leaning towards the 3.0, someone else emailed me and said that the 3.0 and 4.0 do not have that much difference and to save
money and go with the 3.0 or consider the 5.0 for a next step. I would think the 5.0 is a lot of kite just to drag me around the field. THANKS AGAIN
DAKITEZ - 13-4-2008 at 04:58 PM
welcome to the forum.
strictlycarved - 13-4-2008 at 07:24 PM
a beamer 5 is pretty fun, alought it can be alot of kite stick with a 3 unless your up to the challenge of a i think anyone would be happy
with a 3 it still pulls and is way fun for static flying in high winds. hope that helped and welcome to the forum.
thumper66067 - 13-4-2008 at 07:43 PM
Was going to go with a 3 but just got a good deal on a 4 I really appreciate all the input and look forward to learning more about this sport. I will
let everyone know what I think about my new kite. THANKS AGAIN
Dax - 14-4-2008 at 08:17 AM
I FULLY respect the power of my Beamer III 3m. I've had it out in 14 mph winds and WOW, it's a powerful little beast!
BeamerBob - 14-4-2008 at 09:36 AM
I had my 3m out last week in 16 mph winds and it would scud me continuously on the beach doing figure 8's right in front of me. I weigh about 235
right now. I used it in the buggy and its nimbleness was nice but since its made to be stable, it doesn't come around in front of you as much as
higher performance kites will. This results in higher side loads while buggying. For static flying, I would go with the 3. It is more fun to have
the kite zipping back and forth than to have you quick stepping to keep up with too big a kite if you are in grass and can't scud as easily as on