Hi I think there's something wrong with my bridle, does anyone have the lengths of the strings and setup for oneBeamerBob - 14-4-2008 at 12:04 PM
Why do you think it is the bridle? Could your power lines have stretched? Could some of your flight lines now be of unequal length?Bladerunner - 14-4-2008 at 02:22 PM
Odds are all bridles aren't stretched. Measure both sides . A pattern should appear.
My 9m Blade had bridle stretch. Mostly at one wingtip. Probably because the person used it in water ?feral - 14-4-2008 at 04:05 PM
I don't know, my cousin who has been flying much longer than I have tried it out and said that for a blade of that size it was really underpowered but
he doesn't have a blade himself so just advised me to get the lengths for the bridle and check that it was setup properlyNPWfever - 14-4-2008 at 04:35 PM
It is also possible that the leader looped around something on the bridle, look at the kite's TE when its flying for any deformities, or if the
bridles look asymetrical. When you launch it does it fly to one direction or the other? If so then your flying lines are probably inequal. Or perhaps
you just have it on the less lifty setting.....?Bladerunner - 14-4-2008 at 08:40 PM
NPW could be on to something !
I don't think the Blade III had the adjustable bridle but the owner may have tried to mod it ????
Does the bridle look like it has been tinkered with ? Do the 3 sets along the front all come together at one point ?feral - 15-4-2008 at 08:30 AM
i think they do, the leader was altered somewhere but i got that fixed, its just not as powerful as it should beBladerunner - 15-4-2008 at 08:36 AM
I don't even know you and I like you !
A girl hungry for more power :tumble: Gotta like that
Sounds like the person was trying to alter the bridle. Do you have pictures ?
A close up of how the bridles come together may help ?
Originally posted by feral
i think they do, the leader was altered somewhere but i got that fixed, its just not as powerful as it should be
feral - 16-4-2008 at 08:42 AM
Thanks! I'll see if I can get a few on
I was really annoyed by the flexifoil site, they didn't allow me to join the forum because my email address is a free one (im not employed and don't
have a contract email) and I tried emailing them and they havn't replied!:flaming: