speleopower - 14-4-2008 at 06:14 PM
I thought I would post these pictures again for anyone looking for a solution to the "strop" question.
I don't like using plain rope to connect my handles together. The rope is to floppy and doesn't hold the handles apart at all. I have been using
non-adustable windsurfing harness line for many many years with excellent results.
When I put the harness lines on the handles I pass the main powerline leader line through the webbing on the harness lines. Doing it like this allows
the main lines to be centered on the harness lines creating a balance feel and lets the brake lines just dangle.
It's easier to do then explain the above.
speleopower - 14-4-2008 at 06:15 PM
another view
speleopower - 14-4-2008 at 06:15 PM
one more.
The handles in the picture are Concept Air handles that I have been using since 2000. They show no sign of giving up! I have had to replace the
harness line a couple of time. They are excellent handles.
You have to experiment with various length harness lines to find the right length for your kite.
SecondWind - 14-4-2008 at 06:49 PM
Thanks Scott What size is that strop from end to end?
speleopower - 14-4-2008 at 06:57 PM
It is about 24-26" long. I didn't measure it when I took the lines off this afternoon. You have to try various sizes to find the one that works
best for your kite. Measure your existing rope strop and get a windsurf harness line that is similar in size to try.
This particular one is used on my Competition XL or Blade IV 4.9 meter kite.
speleopower - 14-4-2008 at 06:59 PM
DaVinch and others let's see some pics to your strop line problem.
With my Blade 10.5 meter I had to use a longer rope strop to get the maximum turning ability out of the kite. I made the strop as long as my arm
reach is.
Bladerunner - 14-4-2008 at 08:30 PM
I have thought of this using my D-loop from an old bar. I just couldn't figure out how to attach it. Will the standard kiteboard length be too short ?
P.S..... I'm short :P
macboy - 14-4-2008 at 09:41 PM
How does that run around a hook or pulley? Pretty smooth?
speleopower - 16-4-2008 at 07:29 PM
Hi-It runs well in a pulley bar no problem. It has just enough friction that it won't slip easily but more important the line is stiff so it's not
flopping around. I've never tried a regular hook bar.