Sthrasher38 - 15-4-2008 at 07:45 AM
Can some one from down there give some notice on when to meet up? It looks like this may be a new regular spot for me even if it means driving a few
zloty - 15-4-2008 at 10:34 AM
How about today winds 20+ low 0 ft tide at 3pm Ill be there from 1-5pm
Sthrasher38 - 15-4-2008 at 11:23 AM
I wish!! I have to work!!!
Primordial Wind - 15-4-2008 at 05:08 PM
nhlrule56 - 15-4-2008 at 07:20 PM
Hey Guys, when you goto OB, what exit do you get off on? Where is the best place to start/park?
Primordial Wind - 15-4-2008 at 09:05 PM
Depends on where you're coming from. I usually park at the southern most part of the parking lot and walk less than a minute and launch next to the
concrete bunker. You can also set base on the northern most part of the beach overlooking the rocks. Ocean Beach is SlaweS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s turf...he
goes there as often as he blink his eyes so he is the go-to-guy when it comes to information on that area...Where are you from?
zloty - 15-4-2008 at 10:50 PM,-122.510551... .Since We have snowy plover season You should stay north from gate 23. You cant
miss the spot and most likely I will be there flying Flexi. Just google direction to this location.
DAKITEZ - 15-4-2008 at 11:09 PM
the map told me 111 miles for me and 2 hrs, but up to 3 hrs with traffic . Thats the first time I ever had directions tell me that. Gotta love the
city traffic.
4 hours of driving + $50 in gas + bridge tolls = HAPPY KITER 
art_lessing - 16-4-2008 at 08:54 AM
get across the bridge and take the fell street exit..then follow the signs for Fell (one way) it will take you all the way to OB....
this is the tide schedule and this will help you with wind prediction
and this is the wind site
nhlrule56 - 16-4-2008 at 09:03 AM
Looks like I have another sick day to plan for. Thank you for the info and directions. I would be coming from Sacramento like dlish.
Last Thu I went to Dillon's beach...nice negative tide...whole beach to myself...only a very gentle breeze. The GPS clocked a whopping 2.4 mph on the
buggy with a 7m Bullet. In the afternoon the wind did pick up for a small time, but by then there were little kids running around and was not safe.
Se we packed it up, went to In-n-Out for lunch and called it a day.
DAKITEZ - 16-4-2008 at 09:06 AM
Looks like we need to start a sac to OB carpool 
Sthrasher38 - 16-4-2008 at 03:15 PM
Yea! I think it may be closer to go to the lake bed dan was talking about.
nhlrule56 - 17-4-2008 at 10:02 AM
I have been thinking about White Lake lately. Has anyone been up there to see if its dried out yet? With fuel prices being what they are I have been
hesitant to drive up to see this early in the season. I have seen a few places selling diesel for $4.39 a gal here in Sac.
flexiblade - 18-4-2008 at 10:25 PM
I would imagine that white lake is still somewhat wet - just a little moisture out there and its completely unuseable - its basically clay that when
wet becomes the slickest mud that you'll ever want to come across - riding in it is solely a downwind drag (no traction) - to find out conditions go
to google earth and use the toggle that lights up resturants and the like and then click on one to get the phone number - people are pretty cool when
you ask them weird questions like "Is the lake dry?". The best question to ask them is if they've seen any kites out on the lake - there are a few
guys that live near the lake that are hard core buggiers - if they are flying then it would be safe to say that at least a portion of it is runnable.
It takes a while of warm dry weather to dry the lake out completely (usually the end of August). I hope that helps - it can be both a great and
frustrating spot - gusty and unpredictable.
Sthrasher38 - 18-4-2008 at 10:32 PM
Frustrating, Gusty, Unpredictable! I already have that so I guess the new home for me will be the sand at ob. I hate dealing with the traffic but it's
alway's something anyway So whatever it takes to be able to fly.
SCREWYFITS - 20-4-2008 at 05:10 AM
Hey zloty,
I'd like to hook up some day, out at OB. I just got a PL Folding buggy and I'm wanting to get out to OB soon. I can only make it during Mon, Tue, Wed
& Thur. after 3pm if you'll be out there during that time I'd like to come out and start bugging with some of you that know how and can give some
pointers... I won't take up a bunch of anyones time, I just want to know the in and outs there... kinda represent the sport well. Not be that dumb a$$
that F's it up for everyone else...
C-mon Dlish drive to my house and I'll drive us to OB...
Sthrasher38 - 20-4-2008 at 07:44 AM
You know what? I thought the same thing when I first started Buggying. Not the case! You will find that most everyone will be very helpful in every
aspect if you ask. I don't think you could ruin anyone time if you tried. As long as you show up wanting to buggy that will be a good time in it's
self. Nothing to worry about. Get there and have fun thats what it's all about.
Sthrasher38 - 20-4-2008 at 08:41 AM
Bump update! How is the weekend of the 26th and 27 looking for o.b.? I am planning on going that weekend. I know I missed out on last weekend But I
should have a harness by then and will be ready to go maybe even a new seat and another kite. hopeful wishing. But I am going! Let me know if anyone
else is going to be there.:singing:
DAKITEZ - 20-4-2008 at 09:09 AM
I will be there for sure saturday and possibly sunday also. I should have a new kite also 
zloty - 20-4-2008 at 10:12 AM
Next weekend is kite expo in Pismo. I still don't know what I'll do on that one as they kicked us out of Pismo. Still thinking about Moro Bay ,another
kite event. I most likely will be on OB Mon and Tue
after 3pm
KYTE SLINGER - 20-4-2008 at 01:22 PM
I'll be at Marro bay 26th for sure for the event to buggy demo and toss up a few SLKs in the air, then I might hit pismo on sunday if the babe -a-lino
feels up for it...[ I thought I was getting a hotel but I'm staying with some friends or I would offer a over night place to crash}
there shouldn't be any problem riding just So. of the pier in Pismo but if you cross the creek then its state beach and it's a different story from
SCREWYFITS - 20-4-2008 at 03:30 PM
I'll try and make it out Mon. or Tues. do you know if there is gonna be wind and what time is low tide 5-5:30-6... where do you all look for this
info? I know you all go to a web page. which one?
yee hah I'm going bugging...
zloty - 20-4-2008 at 10:33 PM
Screwyfits try it here
David sorry to let You know but Mark from Morro Bay called me to let everyone know that Pismo is not buggy and cars friendly anymore. He got phone
call from a local ranger with this sad news on Friday.Mark offered me a place to crash.This guy is a legend. Still don't know if I will be able to
make it. If I do You think I could shoot little of You riding on my camera?
SCREWYFITS - 21-4-2008 at 03:16 PM
Sorry... but I'll probably not get out there till Wed... But this won't be the only time I come out so if I miss ya I catch ya next time... my damn
life is so hit and miss with step kids...
Sthrasher38 - 21-4-2008 at 03:22 PM
Seems like life is hit and miss with kids or no kids. I have 5.
flexiblade - 23-4-2008 at 09:18 PM
The conditions for Saturday are a bit spotty for Ocean Beach - The best I can tell is that the range is going to be a low (11:00am) of 10mph with a
chance of 20+mph (5:00pm) - the wind appears to be cutting in from the North West (Damn storms).
I may be trying out Point Reyes due to its geographical configuration for the northwest winds. I just don't know anything about the tidal
conditions there - If anyone has any experience up there I would love to know.
The drag about Ocean Beach with a northwest wind is it becomes a roller coaster - slow up north - blazing speed to the south as Dagon knows. I
just hate having to work so hard for a good time - tug...tug...tug - yea - tug...tug...tug - yea. Also the low tide is at 10:30am - which means the
tide will be out till about 2 or 3pm with high tide at 6:30pm (good time to wrap it up). So I may or may not be there - depends on how alluring Point
Reyes becomes to me over the next couple of days.
If you don't have a site for tides here's one that I have found pretty reliable -
Talk to you'all soon
DAKITEZ - 23-4-2008 at 09:37 PM
Of course it won't be that good .. I will be there. Any time I show up anywhere the conditions goto poop.
Point Reyes is the first place I saw a foil. Thats where it all started for me. There are alot of beaches around there to choose from. there was a
kite shop there called Into the blue 415-663-1147. Very cool guy he didn't do much in the way of power kites, but he definately had all the flying
spots scoped out. I think it would be worth it to give him a call and see what tide info you might be able to get out of him.
flexiblade - 23-4-2008 at 10:04 PM
Thanks I'll check it out. Again I will be down in the bay for sure - I just don't know exactly where - I would suggest strongly for you guys to check
out Ocean Beach - it will most likely be a NW wind but it will be runnable - beach will be 68 degrees Sac will be 84 degrees - this is usaully a good
sign for wind - the delta breeze will start drawing energy from the Pacific to fill the low pressure region made by the heat.
DAKITEZ - 23-4-2008 at 10:13 PM
I will be at OB for sure on saturday. Just as long as there is wind and I get to fly I'm happy. If I get to buggy its just bonus. I have been taking
alittle time off the buggy and just flying static with the harness. Getting use to the harness and working on my pilot skills is something I seriously
need to work on right now. After I get that down buggying will be alot more fun for me. I tried to progress to fast, but now I have realized that and
am taking a step back to put the horse before the buggy instead of the other way around. I just can't wait to be back at the clean ocean breezes.
Sthrasher38 - 24-4-2008 at 07:26 AM
Thanks doug for the update at the beach! I will try to be down there on sun. my woman has to work sat.
Hopefully I get the harness form Eli this week and the seat from dman. A kite from dlish and I should be set. Dam I
need alot!
flexiblade - 25-4-2008 at 12:04 AM
Quick note - the winds are seriously picking up like they did last weekend down at Ocean Beach - looks like they may even pick up into the mid to
upper 30's - I may not make it if they keep up like that - winds over 25 get me a little sketched - the power in the kite reacts too quickly sometimes
and you run the risk of getting seriously thrown around.
I have made a new rule of thumb for myself - if I can't run the kite through the window low to the ground than I just won't fly.
If the winds are kicking while you're there - just take it slow and maybe have someone there to help launch the kite from the side of the window.
Better safe than sorry. If I don't go I hope you guys have a good time, and Dlish, I guarantee there will be wind, lots of wind, be careful.
flexiblade - 25-4-2008 at 12:27 AM
AS far as getting to Ocean Beach (I know this goes back a bit in the posts) Try and get there early (10:00 - 11:00) to make getting through the toll
plaza easier and to beat the traffic. From Auburn (127 miles to the beach) it usually takes me an hour and 45 min - I usually leave around 9:00.
Coming into Berkley around noon will suck the rest of the way. Once across the bay bridge take the 101 North exit (about 1 1/2 to 2 miles after you
cross the bridge). This will dump you onto the surface streets. Just go straight until the road dead ends forcing you to go left (this is turning
you onto Fell st.). Fell will meander a little, just keep to the left during the wobbles. When it straitens out you will have a straight shot for
about 5 miles and it will dump you out onto the great highway in plain view of the parking lot at Ocean Beach. You will turn right onto the great
highway for about 50 yards where you will see the entrance to the parking lot. Try and park close to the end of the parking lot that you saw from
Fell st., straight out to the beach from this area is a good place to launch and rest (not as many people around). Hope that helps.
Dagon - 25-4-2008 at 11:30 AM
Wont be there this weekend guys, saturday looks good so you all should have a fine time.
watch the tides, OB is only really fun near low tide, high tide is frustrating w/o bigfoot tires
Sthrasher38 - 25-4-2008 at 07:31 PM
Thanks for the heads up guys and the directions. Very helpful. I hope to make it.
Eli, conditions for Flysurfer get togther in seaside
NorthWestKiter - 26-4-2008 at 08:13 PM
Would u please keep me informed on wind conditions in Sunset and Seaside this week !! The Flysurfer Crew will be down on Saturday the 3rd.(Pray For
Thanks AAron
Sthrasher38 - 28-4-2008 at 07:11 AM
Dlish how was your time at O.B this weekend? Not that I dont know but I would like you to tell the story.
nhlrule56 - 28-4-2008 at 10:02 AM
Do tell...what happened? New land speed record? Bad crash? Swept off to sea by a big gust? Victoria Secret was doing a photo shoot on the beach
and you were totally distracted?
DAKITEZ - 28-4-2008 at 10:10 AM
My usuall bad luck story to tell. wind : 0-5 mph , minutes in the buggy: 0 , people on the beach : 1 million. To add to this after I leave OB to go
back to Berkely it took 35 minutes to go about 5 miles. I love SF traffic. I guess OB was all blown out from the weekend before. All I did was watch
people let their dogs run free on the beach and crap all over the place.
Sthrasher38 - 28-4-2008 at 02:38 PM
rule56, Sounds like your story could have been better. Sorry you had to be there alone bro but I am glad I did not make the trip for nothing that
would have really sucked. Weel the wind should be blowing around 20 now that you left so maybe this weekend.
Kite traction freak. cool. flexiblade! Where did you end up this weekend?
flexiblade - 30-4-2008 at 11:26 PM
I made it out on Sunday to Ocean Beach (last minute thing) but ran into the same situation as dlish - seems the thing to look for is temps under 65 -
once it goes beyond that the people flock out in droves and the wind dies - also I was told by the ranger to pack it up as soon as the winds started
to pick up - he was cool though - he just didn't want anything bad to happen to mess up the nice arrangement that we have there. If there are a lot
of people down there even with good winds you might as well pack it up.
art_lessing - 1-5-2008 at 01:35 AM
lets see real estate is cheap right now...we should all chip in and buy a huge plot of flat dirt...2 miles X 2 miles in a big circle right here in
the valley....
nhlrule56 - 1-5-2008 at 12:50 PM
I little while back there was a stretch of beach with a recently remodeled campground on it for sale. Growing up I knew it as Wages Creek. It's not
called Westport Beach and RV. The place is a little far from Sacramento (Fort Bragg area), but if its still for sale, maybe Art could start a pool,
buy it, and make it a buggy/board park?
Wouldn't it be cool to have a buggy only beach? Leave your picnic baskets at home because they are not welcome here!
elkiter - 1-5-2008 at 01:10 PM
This place is CLOSED now, but...
Won't that be nice to have something similar around here.
nhlrule56 - 1-5-2008 at 01:35 PM
I bet that place was sold for a lot of money and has since been turned into a housing complex or shopping mall. It's sad... Nice video though.
Sthrasher38 - 1-5-2008 at 02:52 PM
It sounds like we need to do something quick Because now O.b will be gone soon too.:flaming:
flexiblade - 2-5-2008 at 09:23 PM
What do you mean by gone soon? - it'll be on and off until about September. You just gotta watch the inland temps compared to the beach temps. Trust
me you guy's will be hooked when you get the chance to run it on a good day.
nhlrule56 - 2-5-2008 at 11:03 PM
Its just that some of the good places are slowly going away. Sod farm shrinking, Pismo not buggy friendly...that's all... Seems like so much flat
land is being developed. Like we need another mall.
zloty - 3-5-2008 at 10:13 AM
Ocean beach is a great place and my home for last 3 years. I try to stay cool with authority there. I meet all life guards and some rangers. Rules are
applying to everyone who is kiting there however We all bend them little here and there and they know about it. Point is that as long as nobody is
calling them about some nuts kiters that are crashing into people or dogs everything seems to have some balance. Lifeguards are supporting park
rangers and most likely they will be first to hear complains from people about us and it is up to them if they will take it to rangers. I have a very
good relation with them and they all know that if I see something odd I'll get on it and make sure ( most likely new kiter) will hear from me to keep
it cool, not to fly near people. There R days when beach is loaded with people but that is most likely on hot no win day and You should avoid those as
You will not have much flying anyway and it is easy for getting complain. Please make sure to look for a snowy plower as they are now protected and We
should stay north from gate 23. If You will be seen by ranger flying south from that we will get in trouble,so make sure You also see ,,them'' before
they see You and if it to late just ride back to the north and stay there. So You might be thinking how do I fly there so often? Well I drive there
almost every day and Week days are epic as beach is almost empty and winds R gooooooood. So please respect all rules and You will be respected as
well. Remember landkiting on OB is not a right but a privilege.
Cubensis - 30-5-2008 at 07:52 PM
Who is going to Ocean Beach this weekend?
jellis - 31-5-2008 at 09:44 AM
Are you guys taking about Ocean Beach in San Fran?
Sthrasher38 - 31-5-2008 at 09:53 AM
I am ready to pitch in for the 2mile circle of dirt for the valley Dan. And yes ocean beach S.F.