Power Kite Forum

New to Power Kiting

fendermaestro - 16-4-2008 at 10:56 AM

Any power kite dudes out there!

i'm new to power kiting and got a 2.4m radsail and just bought a radsail 4.5m savage.

haven't used the savage yet so i'm interested in any user reviews. Buggying & boarding Nah. Jumping and scudding, big yeah! Any help appreciated, budget is limited so please don't say get a bigger/better kite just yet.

cheers for any help :frog:

BeamerBob - 16-4-2008 at 10:59 AM

Welcome to the forum and your new sport. There are hundreds of us on the forum that will be more than happy to offer our advice and experiences. You have a good start on kites with those two sizes. You might want other sizes or types of kites as your experience grows, but that can come later. You know, like next week. :cool: :thumbup:

WELDNGOD - 16-4-2008 at 01:00 PM

Welcome, get a helmet and some pads! You WILL need them.:wow:

Bladerunner - 16-4-2008 at 05:42 PM

If jumping is your thing a larger kite will be the way to go soon !
You will get a much more enjoyable ride and WAY softer landings with more canopy.
Start saving :yes:
you won't regret it :yes:

fendermaestro - 18-4-2008 at 03:50 AM

Cheers guys

one thing I forgot to ask, I weigh about 79kgs. D'you reckon my 4.5m Savage will lift my frame. Jumping is what I want to do but I haven't used the savage yet. I was advised to buy it as a first 'bigger' kite.

flexiblade - 18-4-2008 at 11:07 PM

Generally a 4.5m kite (depending on the brand) would be an effective lifter for your weight class (150 or so lbs) in winds greater than 16mph and up - there is a threshhold though - after 20mph you're starting to play with fire - a 3/4 swoop through the wind window at these wind speeds will throw you like a slingshot with a horrible landing. This is why so many people will tell you to get a bigger kite and to go out in less hostile winds.

Now a bigger kite doesn't always mean a "liftier" kite. Some kites are designed to pull and others are designed to lift. In your case you need a lifty kite - the Flexifoil Blades are some of the more "lifty" kites and also some of the more expensive kites - you can find them every so often on E-bay and also this site.

Jumping in the end is a fun activity to partake in every so often - if you do it all the time get used to being sore and bruised. Good luck.

macboy - 18-4-2008 at 11:15 PM

Welcome to the forum!

I was supermanned by my "little" kite (the 3m) and promptly went out and got my helmet, pads and kite killers. To this day my favorite kite is still the 4.7m Rage but I'm not really in it for jumping (yet)....still working the kinks out of traction kiting. You'll find a boat load of useful info and people like you've never "met" before. Enjoy! I think it's already too late for you....we've got you now!


gross213 - 18-4-2008 at 11:19 PM

My first kite was a radsail 3m and I loved it in sone big winds got some really good scuds and I have flown a 6.5 savage and loved it my next kite will be a savage 5.5 or 6.5. But i do agree a helmet would be good:flaming: