WELDNGOD - 17-4-2008 at 05:55 AM
What do you have in your kite bag ,have you seen the bottom of it lately? Here's what I found : rev sle 1.5, flexi rage 4.7, flexi rage 2.5 , flexi
sting 1.7, flexi buzz , pansh ace 2.0, pansh ace 2.5, pansh legend 3.0 , t foil, la crosse wind meter,north shore haness w/ spreader bar,3 bottles
water, hot 24 oz.can of budwieser(first aid kit),leather gloves,100 ft. caution tape,flip video camera in cam bag,knee pads, elbow pads,assorted nylon
webbing and paracord
,3 line winders,a flexi manual,10 kite stakes,tasco binoculars in case,welders cap,clear goggles, custom set of handles,and 1 pound of beach sand!
DAKITEZ - 17-4-2008 at 07:29 AM
100ft. of caution tape ?
BeamerBob - 17-4-2008 at 08:17 AM
Welders helmet? For when the sun is directly in the powerzone? :ticking:
WELDNGOD - 17-4-2008 at 03:15 PM
Yes dlish 100 ft caution tape, to mark where my lines are,when I have more than 1 kite out. If I don't ,every blind idiot in the village comes out to
dance on my lines ,you would think they were invisible . And then there is the city truck that comes out to check the beach. At a different beach I
had some lady in a golf cart go driving over my lines right next to the kite! When I confronted her with her lack of respect for others property,she
said she thought it was a"pillow" WTF!!! A PILLOW!!! 11 ft. long !! All I can say is yes 100 ft. caution tape .
BeamerBob not a welders shield but a welders cap ,the one we always wear backwards with the little flap on the back. And no it's not a visor or bill
like on a ball cap,it's actually to cover your ear if you turn your head sideways to weld something.Keeps the fireballs out of your ear. anybody
else wanna dump their kit on the ground and take inventory.
USA_Eli_A - 17-4-2008 at 03:19 PM
well, I can start with whats not in my bag. If it doesn't say OZONE on it, It's not in my bag
WELDNGOD - 17-4-2008 at 04:01 PM
didn't mean what kites so much as what is IN your bag. I once found my wifes bathing suit in my kitebag. I meant more like dump it out and go through
it and tell it, even the wierd #@%$#!. This time I found a hot 24 ounce can of beer , glad it didn't get punctured. nothin worse than a bag full of
drunk kites!
USA_Eli_A - 17-4-2008 at 04:02 PM
ah ha. well, in that case. I'll have to think about it. Other than empties of various drinks, dog cookies, shells. sand, pieces of trash I pic up.
AA batteries. AAA bats for my helmet cam...ect
WELDNGOD - 17-4-2008 at 04:04 PM
Thats what I mean
WELDNGOD - 17-4-2008 at 04:05 PM
and at the bottom was this
KYTE SLINGER - 17-4-2008 at 04:19 PM
I can relate
a small chunk of slag ran off my hard hat one time and my head was tilted just so that it fell in my ear:o..... sounded like bacon frying
WELDNGOD - 17-4-2008 at 04:22 PM
exactly! Be glad it did not perforate your eardrum,that happened to a buddy of mine.He lost his sense of balance and had to quit the shipyard