Power Kite Forum

Big Kites and Old Kites: No Big Deal?

cloudswinger - 18-4-2008 at 12:22 PM

Like everyone else, I'm always looking for a deal. But I've found some pretty cheap kites, mostly bigger than 14m for 300 or less, sometimes even new. And some older kites, like 2005 for cheap too. Although one listing was saying that they bought it used in 2005, so the kite was really from 2002.

Are they worth the prices? Are they cheaper because they're older designs that may not be as safe as newer ones? And bigger ones seem to be less resellable right now, is it due to the whole hybrid design thing? But as a beginner, it's really a lot more affordable to buy one of these humungous kites that are probably completely wrong to learn on.

manitoulinkiter1 - 18-4-2008 at 01:38 PM

Kites older than 06 will be C kites. Not to say they aren't safe, but they aren't as safe as the newer bow kites.
A C kite has very little depower unless you use a fifth line. I don't know how long the fifth line has been around but 92s likely dont have it. C kites also have a smaller wind range per size.
Save your money and buy a used bow kite if your learning. The depower makes things so much easier to learn with. Once you can fly a kite reasonably well try a C kite.


DenisLaMenace - 18-4-2008 at 03:01 PM

The prices of inflatable kites are so cheap that you can afford something more recent I'm sure.

see ikitesurf, thousands of deal. you can easily get a slightly used 2007 kites in the 400-500$ range.

for a 2002, I would not pay 3 digits.

to buy a foil, the deals are here on PKF ;-)

Bladerunner - 18-4-2008 at 03:56 PM

Folks around here have been known to just throw away 02, 03 kites. Its sad ! :(

I upgraded my original kite to 5 line @ $40 I still had trouble selling it for $100. Like Buzz sayed. I wouldn't pay 3 digits for a 4 line kite. :no:

I think the best deals on the best kites , second hand are often Waroo's.

Deals' like these !



macboy - 18-4-2008 at 07:08 PM

Nearly everything in my closet is used with the exception of the Rage which I got for a steal off eBay (got lucky somehow) and the Access which was my Christmas present to myself this year. Whoops - the Blaze was new too (Pansh).

The SportAir and the Lift 16 were off eBay (got the '06 16m for a great price). The Brooza, Ace and the 9m Lift came from this great place we call PKF. The Lift has been upgraded (before I bought it) with a 5th line.

I've got a PL coming and then I think it's time for me to get my hands on a Flysurfer so I can finally decide what kind of quiver I want to finally narrow down to. Watch for a big sale from me one day ; )

cloudswinger - 19-4-2008 at 09:12 PM

Yea, the "deals" I was looking at were all under about 150. There are a lot of big kites selling for like 50-100 bucks, with the ones over 100 including bars and lines.