Power Kite Forum

Broken kk and handles

DAKITEZ - 19-4-2008 at 07:59 PM

I was out today practicing with a harness (thanks fast freddie and or usa eli) and pulled the strope line right out of the handles. Its not a huge deal but it could have been. I was using HQ ultra handles and it pulled the knot right through the handles. First the left one went and I fished it back through and retied it then a few minutes later the right one let go. So I recommend anyone using these to check the knots. I will be fixing any pair I send out for sure. Also watch the HQ kk because I broke one of those alittle while back. It kinda sucks when you can't trust your safety equipment. I may have to buy some screwyfits kk. :thumbup:
Anyone else have any similiar problems ?

Bladerunner - 19-4-2008 at 08:45 PM

DANG you're hard on stuff :wow:

I'm THRILLED to here you are hooking in. WAaaaaay better, isn't it :smug: Next step - DEPOWER :evil:

Maybe we have an answer to B'bobs question to Screwy about the new Screwyfits killers? HQ $13 , Knowing that your killers are made to your specifications.... Priceless !!!

Long live Screwyfit Killers !! :thumbup:

Originally posted by dlish89
I was out today practicing with a harness (thanks fast freddie and or usa eli) and pulled the strope line right out of the handles. Its not a huge deal but it could have been. I was using HQ ultra handles and it pulled the knot right through the handles. First the left one went and I fished it back through and retied it then a few minutes later the right one let go. So I recommend anyone using these to check the knots. I will be fixing any pair I send out for sure. Also watch the HQ kk because I broke one of those alittle while back. It kinda sucks when you can't trust your safety equipment. I may have to buy some screwyfits kk. :thumbup:

dylanj423 - 20-4-2008 at 12:51 AM

I lost my crossfire in a tree because my kitekillers snapped. I was pissed, and called HQ. They cut me a good deal on a kite, but I have since upgraded to flexifoil products for everything. All good products, and far more comfortable, too. Definitely worth the extra money.

I wont be buying any more HQ products again... Theres THAT much of a difference!

SCREWYFITS - 20-4-2008 at 02:19 AM

Yo Dlish...

I'll fab up some of them famous:puzzled: Screwy KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s for ya... you want a pair or two... I'll hook you up cuz you always hook me up...:saint:

I'll leave the rope off till we fly next that way we can dial in the length...

I'm working on a new design that has bungee on it for shock but ultimately secured by rope or line... More so for the bigger kites...

Maybe you'll be the first... OOOOOOOOH...:D

Now that I think about it, you will have to do some thing for me...:evil: No... it's nothing that bad... all I need is feedback, you can do the R&D for me...:cool: See not that bad...:saint:


I gotta get this Buggy out... OB, here I come... maybe this week Dlish, you can come to Livermore and I drive from there. We can take the wifes Ridgeline... If its doable...

acampbell - 20-4-2008 at 04:29 AM

New HQ kite killers have the same kind of bungee leash as the Flexifoil KS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s and are attached securely.
Flexifoil handles are hollow plastic and can snap in half under normal use- I have seen it. You will never break a pair of rubber-padded tubular steel HQ kite handles (and cost $18.00).

Fairness to Flexifoil- the new Pro Link handles are solid plastic and will not break. (And shouldn't for $75.00)

I have never had a problem with either HQ or Flexi standing behind their products.

HQ Handle construction

solarix - 20-4-2008 at 05:52 AM

How are the handles made on the inside?

Is it kite end of line - outer handle wall - knot - outer handle wall - knot to hook strop?

I have felt my HQ handles give, kind of a bad feeling. However if one tied the strop to the handle, since all the force is on the handle not directly on the line through the handle to the kite, damage would happen I would think.

Where to get the steel handles?



acampbell - 20-4-2008 at 06:19 AM

Originally posted by solarix
How are the handles made on the inside?

Is it kite end of line - outer handle wall - knot - outer handle wall - knot to hook strop?

Pretty much. No rocket science there, but practical. I have seen the simple overhand knots pull out when too close to the end of the leader, but that is a quick fix with a re-tie or a figure eight knot.

The sheapards-crook shaped Ultras are solid fiberglass and strong, but the strop leaders on the versions that come with integrated kite killers are thin and hard to attach a strop to. The ones without the kite killers have conventional thick leaders and make better candidates for kite killers, ironically.

I have felt my HQ handles give, kind of a bad feeling. However if you tied the strop to the handle it would happen I would think.

which handles?

Where to get the steel handles?

Any HQ dealer. Come to think of it, the new versions might be aluminum tubing, because they are a bit lighter, but hard to say because they are completely encased in dense foam rubber-type of materil. Still tough though -simple and comfortable and the right shape

solarix - 20-4-2008 at 06:25 AM

I think these are the HQ 4-Line Quad Handles XL that come with the beamer 4. Link They look like these.... but may not be the same since MFG can vary.

I can see the HQ Ultra breaking or pulling through since the pull is on the handle no matter what.


BeamerBob - 20-4-2008 at 06:48 AM

I have been thinking about this scenario while reading the posts and can't figure how this happened. If only one killer failed, the kite would still harmlessly fall to the ground even if it was 10-12 feet further away due to one handle dragging away from you. If I imagine that you were only using one kk and then picture your kite in a tree, you must've been very close to the trees while you were flying. Not a good position to put you and your equipment in.

I remember when I first got my Beamer and reading on here about how crappy the HQ killers were. I thought my killers were fantastic. The nylon and velcro were way overkill for the job and the bungee looked to certainly be up to its small job. The nylon was nice and wide too. So 10 months later I open up my Blade and after unwinding the lines I'm anxious to see these fantastic Flexi kS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s. If anything, they are a little smaller than the HQ killers. Same type bungee, same nylon and velcro, but just not quite as wide. Pff. These aren't any better than the HQ killers at all that I can see. Yes, they are nice just as you would expect but the HQ killers were at least as nice if not better IMHO.

I have personally broken a flexi handle. Conventional wisdom says that Flexi products are the best there is and HQ products are less than that. I'm not sure that holds up. This Flexi handle just fell apart in my hands before launching. It was a windy day and I likely would've gotten in the air. I've had my feet 10-12 feet in the air mulitple times with the Blade and how horrific would that have been to set me free that high? Angus at Coatal Wind Sports had me a set in the mail within 24 hours under warranty so what a blessing to having a reputable dealer and manufacturer to stand behind you.

Any product can fail. Good manufacturers back up their stuff and make improvements when they are needed. Both HQ and Flexi pass the test here IMO.

acampbell - 20-4-2008 at 07:52 AM

Originally posted by solarix
I think these are the HQ 4-Line Quad Handles XL that come with the beamer 4. They look like these.... but may not be the same since MFG can vary.

That's them. Nice photo too ;-). They ship with all HQ kites on handles and are now what are sold seperately.

WELDNGOD - 20-4-2008 at 08:06 AM

BeamerB I have had my handles snatched out of my grasp so hard
it hurt my fingers.And flung me like a toy! Both KKs stretched out so far and hard I don't see how they did not break. If that gust had been a little harder I'm sure both KKs would have broken at once and my kite would have went in the dunes. Not good lots of scrub brush or scraggly lookin trees. Never broke no handles though(knock on wood).;)

dylanj423 - 20-4-2008 at 08:11 AM

I agree that many/ all products can fail, and I have read instances of flexi handles breaking. It is a rough sport at times that we deal with. The Flexi/HQ debate will always be around I think.

Fact of the matter for me is, I see Flexi paying a lot more attention to all aspects of kiting than HQ. Regarding my killers snapping, it was in high winds, and both nylon straps ripped right out of the cuff, and I could only watch as my kite flew about 80 yards into a tree.

The end of a high wind session

HQ sent their newer killers which I thought were going to be great. Then I had the opportunity to compare them to Flexi killers. Within a week, all my handles and killers became Flexi. The nylon NEVER slips out of place (every time w/ HQ). The newer plastic handles (not the brand new) are stronger than the older ones. I heard they used a black ink to get a solid black color in their handles, at the cost of plastic strength. All the new handles I got are greyish in color, and supposedly much stronger.

An extra six bucks for that much of a difference in kite killers is worth it to me any day. And an extra fifteen to have some plush, downright comfy handles that i can fly without gloves being necessary gets the same endorsement.

Not to mention, I havent had a Flexi kite luff on me yet, even at flying about 5 degrees (and more) over the window.

By the way, if anyone has a job opening selling Flexi products, I'm your guy!!!

Whatever you do, have fun and be safe. My opinions are just that... opinions. Now what the hell are you doing on this forum??? Get out there and fly!

WELDNGOD - 20-4-2008 at 08:14 AM

It's raining balls here today!

WELDNGOD - 20-4-2008 at 08:16 AM

I had a great day yesterday w/ my neighbor , got him hooked now.

DAKITEZ - 20-4-2008 at 08:54 AM

acambell - Its just as you said. I was flying the set that comes with kk and the leader was so small it slipped out of my strope line first, then I got it secured then it pulled the knot out of the handle. I forgot the handles that do not come with the kk have that thicker white leader coming out instead of that little gray one. Yes the white leader should be alot better. I will try those next trip, but I think I'm going to switch over to the new red and blue set, they are nice as well.
As far as the kite killers the bungie is the part that broke, so can't totally fault HQ there. I'm sure they would replace it if I asked, but I'm just going to replace the bungie with some rope and get some screwy kk. I would rather feel the shock of the kk when I let go and to know they are not going to break than have the comfort of the bungie and not know if its going to snap or not. I don't worry about myself or my kites, but I care about the others around me thats why I wear the kk so I want to be sure that kite is going to stay with me and not hurt anyone else.

WELDNGOD - 20-4-2008 at 09:00 AM

try paracord , it has a smooth jacket on it and it's like 550 lb test

BeamerBob - 20-4-2008 at 10:54 AM

I digress Dylan. You did say you broke kite killers plural in your initial post. 80 yards should be a safe enough distance to fly around trees. I disagree with you about a quality difference in the kite killers, but that is why both companies are making it financially. Those flexi handles are comfy to fly with but I have a concern about the durability of the nylon covering on top of the handles and the power line leaders and I did break one of them. In the end, HQ took care of you too. They gave me a replacement brake bridle for my Crossfire that came unstitched, and there was never any questions about warranty dates, just a desire to make it right. There might be a differential between Flexi and HQ but there is a price point differential as well. I have only HQ and Flexi kites and pick which one I'm going to fly based on the conditions. I also now use the handles and kite killers that came with the kites. Fly safe.


speleopower - 20-4-2008 at 02:54 PM

Just get windsurfing harness lines and put them on the handles. So much easier to deal with than rope. Plus you'll not break the harness line.


IMG_1061.JPG - 95kB

another pic

speleopower - 20-4-2008 at 02:56 PM


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