Power Kite Forum

What was your first power Kite and how long ago?

dgkid78 - 30-4-2008 at 07:09 PM

Ha I was going through some old recipts from 2007 and shredding them and just saw a recipt for my first (I use this term very loosley) power kite. It was my Prism Snapshot 1.2 haha I loved that kite. I took it out almost every day and wore it out so bad the lines snapped so many times the lines went from 82ft to like 60ft haha. that lasted for about a month and 1/2 and i wanted more. so moved on against everyones advice and went for my Crossfire 2.4. I figured it can't be that bad. it's small. Until i got it in the mail and back then never actually seeing one of these things in person to me it was HUGE!!!!!!!I think like 10ft! literally that same week i got a fracture in my foot. now i am into depower and ATB. I dunno to me it just seems so cool how out of nowhere i got into this sport when nobody i mean nobody flys these things in close proximity to me. got into it just seeing a video one day on youtube......:frog:

BeamerBob - 30-4-2008 at 07:32 PM

I'm at my 1 year mark just a few weeks ago. I had had a symphony for 5-6 years and met Angus at a festival. He advised me for what must've been an hour and my parents bought me my Beamer for an early birthday present. Now I usually get out the Crossfire or Blade as the goto kite. Crossfire 2 on order, trying to decide which size Montana III to get and won't be able to hold off too long on a neo. That will be what gets me on the water now. All this in one year.

tridude - 30-4-2008 at 07:35 PM

HQ Beamer II 3.6 on handles Sep 06, three weeks later a 5m Crossfire..............................

NPWfever - 30-4-2008 at 07:38 PM

First kite was my 3m foil. Got in September of 07. Same thing happened w/ me!!! It was like I NEED POWER!!! :lol: I got into it after seeing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuetDfQ-1nY Thought, hey I can do that w/ a kite! Joined this forum, and then kinda really started to actually like the idea of actually kiting with it :yes:

speleopower - 30-4-2008 at 08:00 PM

First true powerkite was a Wipika 8m LEI in 1998.
We had been using large delta 2 line stunt kites to pull us on roller blades (sort of worked) and tried to use them while laying on a boogie board in the water (didn't work to well).


elkiter - 30-4-2008 at 09:52 PM

I started with Quadrifoil Q4000 back in the summer of 1997, then immediate got the C Series within that same week (Quadrifoil C1 & C2).
The following year I sold my Q4000 and got the Quadrifoil X-Series (Quadrifoil XL, XM & XS) and Quadrifoil Kitesurfer XXL.
That same year I also got the very first generation of Flexifoil Blade. I sold that after only 2 days of flight.

Baluk - 30-4-2008 at 10:06 PM

July 14, 2006. Beamer TSR 3.6m :D

ripsessionkites - 1-5-2008 at 02:12 AM

Originally posted by elkiter
I started with Quadrifoil Q4000 back in the summer of 1997, then immediate got the C Series within that same week (Quadrifoil C1 & C2).
The following year I sold my Q4000 and got the Quadrifoil X-Series (Quadrifoil XL, XM & XS) and Quadrifoil Kitesurfer XXL.
That same year I also got the very first generation of Flexifoil Blade. I sold that after only 2 days of flight.

sounds a lot like me... started with a Quadrifoil Q (whatever the 5m was, QMusic?), and a PL Classic Buggy back in 1995
sold that and moved over to a C1 and XL. The XL i once had is still around, after 3 different owners, its faded, bagged but still flies.
from there one season each on the flexi blades I ... concept air ... airea ... pkd, and finally U-Turn.

as for buggies PL Classic ---> PL Comp ---> 2nd Gen Flexi ---> BBS Booster ---> PL XR+ ---> XXtreme ApeXX

PS. I'm never giving up this sport. EVER!!! :yes:

beachrights - 1-5-2008 at 04:37 AM

Spring 2006- Flexi Proteam 8.
I saw a guy with a Flexifoil Proteam 8 at the beach and said "I have to get one of those!!" I went home and looked them up on Ebay- "$100 for a kite?!?"
I now have to laugh at me gawking at a $100 price tag! From there on it has been a blur! Lots of kites, a buggy, this site and I can never look at a flag on a pole the same ever again!!:thumbup:

action jackson - 1-5-2008 at 05:33 AM

Mine was a 12 ft thunder foil back in 99, then quickly to npws and arcs...................aj

furbowski - 1-5-2008 at 05:57 AM

New to the forum, just registered a few minutes ago, but I've been lurking for months and months and have to thank you all for the knowledge I've picked up here....

Can't remember exactly what got me interested, think it was a youtube video, definitely my first exposure to kites was online.

Snapshot 1.4 was the first! It will give you nice little fingertip massage in high winds, but I flew the sh*t outta that thing for the first month...

Legends 2 and 3 were next, then a 5m ace.

A bunch of other 2 and 3 m kites as well....

summer winds are here, so I'm after something bigger...

does it ever stop?

hope not...

good to hear lots of folks have been flying for ages, hope to join your ranks in a decade or two...

furbowski - 1-5-2008 at 06:00 AM

Ah! now I remember....

The first was an old 7m Naish Boxer LEI with a broken bladder, never did fix it, but a buddy of mine was leaving the country and basically gave it to me....

it was the online research I did trying to find out more about that kite that got me going....

tridude - 1-5-2008 at 06:13 AM

Welcome to PKF.......................... youre in Hong Kong?

dylanj423 - 1-5-2008 at 07:45 AM

The first "power kite" was my Crossfire 3.2, got it off ebay and my first flight was Thanksgiving day '07. That was about two weeks after I flew my Symphony 1.8 in high winds. I just couldnt believe how much fun it was, and I immediately wanted more.

And I got it. I got my butt kicked. Broken watch... lost phone... was completely hooked. And no wmy quiver just keeps growing, no matter how many times I've said "OK, thats enough"

furbowski - 1-5-2008 at 07:52 AM

yep, living here in the wonky kong...

It's not too bad for flying here, on the ocean, lots of beaches and so on for good breezes.

But crowded! flying on most beaches is a no no on sundays and holidays, simply too many people about.

I doubt I'll ever buggy here tho that's what I'd like to move to next, so I'm sticking to static and jumps on the beach, hence our other conversation about your blade.

I'll be near Vancouver, Canada for a couple months later this summer, and hope figure out a way to jury rig something with wheels for the big beaches in that general area.

Kitesurfing later... should be good for kit here, as far too many people have too much money and tend to drop 5-10K USD on equipment before they know what they are doing.

But yeah, I've never met another power kiter on the beaches here, and been flying 2-3 times a week for nearly a year now.

hope things go well with our other conversation...

take care,


Bladerunner - 1-5-2008 at 08:11 AM

Hey Furbo,

Catch up the the Vancouver crowd at www.powerkitecanada.com

or the water crowd at www.kiteboardbc.com

Lot's of good folks with gear to share !

My 1st and most loved kite was a JoJo 3 line kitesurf trainer. Spring 03. It took me on my 1st true runs on Blades and skis. I HATE selling kites !!!! :(

powerzone - 1-5-2008 at 09:34 AM

Force10 4.3m 4 line and Quadtrac 5.3 foils back in 1997

elkiter - 1-5-2008 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by ripsessionkites
....from there one season each on the flexi blades I ... concept air ... airea ... pkd, and finally U-Turn.


You forgot to mention the Advance Kites you got back in 2001 or 2002.


Taper123 - 1-5-2008 at 10:06 AM

A two line thunder foil and then a New Tech Ballistic 3.6 in 2005. Then I started to sew... and jumped up to a 6.5 Gual in 2006.

B-Roc - 1-5-2008 at 12:39 PM

I've been flying sport kites since the early 90s but started power kiting in February of 2005. Took a kite skiing lesson on a 10m Frenzy.

Bought my first foil one week later. It was my 8.5 Blade III.

nhlrule56 - 1-5-2008 at 01:44 PM

I bought two kites at the same time. They were the Ozone Cult 4.5m and the Ozone Samurai II 3.0m. My one year anniversary to this addiction will be in June. Boy the quiver expanded quick....I need another Yak now!

domdino - 1-5-2008 at 02:04 PM

was one of the most amazing things i've ever done back in Spring 2002, tried my friends new rhombus firebee 3m :) loved it all ever since!

Here's my first flight :) :

n513643782_16368_7508.jpg - 37kB

Sthrasher38 - 1-5-2008 at 04:51 PM

Just about 2 years ago. Prism stylus p3! 2 line. I thought it was the best kite ever.:lol: I flew it alot could not stop talking about it. I do still have it but man how whimpy. That's funny. I remember trying to jump with it. I belive I got it from wind power sports. Thanks Cory you started it all.:borg:

coreykite - 1-5-2008 at 05:31 PM

Hey Sailors,
I started back in 1977 with a 3-stack of Flexi 6' Power Kites (2-line).
Moved to stacks of 10' Flexi's and tried water skis but never had much success.
The Sparless Stunter and the Quadrifoils appeared.
Saw the first PL prototype buggy at Wildwood in 1989.
Rode #3 prototype in Bristol in 1990.
Found my vehicle.
Flew the new 2-line Wipika in 1995. Steering was backwards - Pull right-Turn left.
Stacks of Hawaiians.
Skip Parks 16' Banshee (Later inspiration for KiteSki)
Peels, Concept Air, Force 10, SkyTigers, the list is a grand and fun-filled one.
That's 31 years of power kiting... and still counting.

Safen Up! Buggy On!

"Often wrong... Never in doubt"

the coreylama

markite - 2-5-2008 at 09:07 PM

Around '83 a stack of Skynasaurs, then a few splurged at end of that year for one of those expensive 6 foot flexi foils, within a year or two had a bunch of 6's and 8's then 10's all stacked, next onto original quadrifoil, Force Ten's and first buggy early 90's, first broken bones early 90's, Quadrifoil Q2000's then Competitions, Airea Raptors, U-turn, all of the PL Arc incarnations, many Peter Lynn buggies cycled through and passed on to friends, still own a couple XR and a custom buggy and ice buggy and Cameleon buggy. Oh, so far no more broken bones - close, but not quite.

ripsessionkites - 3-5-2008 at 04:53 AM

Originally posted by furbowski

I'll be near Vancouver, Canada for a couple months later this summer, and hope figure out a way to jury rig something with wheels for the big beaches in that general area.


exactly what Bladerunner said, hit us up on PKC when you get to Vancouver. I cant remember the last time I was in HK. But a few friends go back every year. I hear Kiteboarding is slowly taking off, but winds are light so bigger kites are needed. Best Spots to kiteboard i was told when I go back next year.

- Lung Ku Tan in Tuen Mun
- Tai Mei Tuk in Tai Po
- Wu Kai Sha in Shatin
- Cheung Sha Beach in Lantau
- Cheung Chau Island

As for kitebuggying there was a place in China not that far from HK. when i remember where it is, i'll U2U the details. see you when you get here, teach you to buggy too. =)

Originally posted by elkiter
Originally posted by ripsessionkites
....from there one season each on the flexi blades I ... concept air ... airea ... pkd, and finally U-Turn.


You forgot to mention the Advance Kites you got back in 2001 or 2002.


LOL. you remember my kiting history better than I do.

NighthawkDrew - 5-5-2008 at 02:21 PM

I've had a few smaller stunt kites for a while now, finally deceded to get a bigger one a few weeks ago, Bought my first one the other day. Decided to get a symphony 2.7. Took it out for the first time saturday, wasn't much wind maybe 10mph at the most...and i stress the maybe part. Took it out again on Sunday winds were a lot strong probably around 20mph, all i have to say is wow...that kite was pulling me all over the place...had a blast though. Will probably upgrade to a quad like the beamer 3.0 once i get used to the pull on this one.

speleopower - 5-5-2008 at 02:49 PM

Ooopss! I forgot about the Flexi 2 line kites. I can't remember when I first got one of them but it was late 80's or 90's if I remember right.


Patch - 13-6-2008 at 04:29 PM

First off hello all, this is my first post.

The first kite that I purchased arrived yesterday and I got to fly it on the same day. It is an apex 7.5 meter depower foil. Stupid you say? :P. Man it was fun :lol:

WELDNGOD - 13-6-2008 at 04:37 PM

be careful, get med insurance, may the force be with you. oh,yeah my first was a flexi Rage 2.5

Patch - 13-6-2008 at 05:07 PM

Thanks for the concern WELDNGOD, luckily I flew it in probably the worst conditions (lumpy inland gusty and strong wind that changed direction every 30 mins) and didn't die so its all up hill from here. At least I learned how to use the manual break properly(a lot).

I live in the uk so meds are free :P

And I'm not as stupid as I sound, I have had experience with other kites before and have done a lot of research.

I just wanted to seem all noobish yet macho, I think It worked out great :lol:

WELDNGOD - 13-6-2008 at 05:35 PM

free meds...mmmmm...

SecondWind - 13-6-2008 at 07:35 PM

I purchased my first power kite in 1995 - a Flexifoil Super 10 :thumbup:

SCREWYFITS - 14-6-2008 at 04:31 AM

Spring of 2003, Flexifoil Bullet 1.5m...
Probably a 1/2 year later my 2nd Kite was a Naish ARX 11.5m LEI C kite... huge step:o and haven't been able to shake the addiction since...:smilegrin:

furbowski - 14-6-2008 at 09:25 AM

and why would you want to?


SCREWYFITS - 20-6-2008 at 09:47 PM
