Power Kite Forum

12m Ace or 12.5 Blaze

Bladerunner - 4-5-2008 at 01:11 PM

I'm thinkng that as a low wind machine the 12.5 Blaze may actually perform better ??
I have only seen the 12.5 in action. Not bad for under $200 :duh:

I would think the bigger openings on the Blaze would be a good thing ?

What do folks think of the 12m ace ?

What one would be 1st to fly ?

DAKITEZ - 4-5-2008 at 05:52 PM

Get your butt down to Cali and try them. I have both here.

Bladerunner - 4-5-2008 at 09:51 PM

So ..... how does the 12m Ace Fly ??
Can you compare the 2 ?
What one starts pulling in the lower wind 1st ?

SCREWYFITS - 4-5-2008 at 10:21 PM

My guess is the Ace...:puzzled: I think it's lighter weight and gets up easier... uuuuuhuuuuhuhhhuuhh he said "gets up easier":P

What do I win if I'm right...:D:D:D

Just a guess, never flown either in that size... I know my Ace 3.5m does better in lower wind than my Blaze 3m... but I use the Blaze first due to stability... I'm unsure if the .5m on the Ace makes that much difference...

OreBeamer - 4-5-2008 at 10:21 PM

I've flown the Blaze 12.5m. Gotta have the KBSS power handles, to turn that monster. Can get it in the air in 4-6(maybe less), though.

DAKITEZ - 5-5-2008 at 12:17 PM

I haven't flown a blaze 12.5 yet, but from what OreBeamer
says I would say they are both about the same as far as first one up. I will tell you this much the ace 12 with 5mph and your skinny butt on those blades will be cruising. 8-10mph we better put a back pack on you filled with sand to weigh you down. :lol:

Bladerunner - 5-5-2008 at 09:06 PM

Yes , The limited range concerns me :bird:
I'm getting a good range out of the Blade. It could fly just a little sooner though. It's all trade offs, I suppose :spin:

Sthrasher38 - 7-5-2008 at 07:29 AM

I flew the 12 ace but not the Blaze. I did like the smaller blaze thought. I think it would be personal prefference. You need to try first. Imo.

dman - 8-5-2008 at 06:52 PM

The 12 mtr ace is a frickin beast! Got it the other day but the wind has been in the 2mtr range since until tonite. Once i laid it out and gave a tug to the brake lines to open the leading edge up it filled up without much wind nicely. I don't think it was blowin much over 6 mph as I could hardly feel it on my neck but once I pulled on the handles it just started to climb slowly up to zenith. I had to pump it a bit to get it up but once there I could just work it back and forth ever so slowly( like a double decker bus in a parking garage!) and the apparent wind seamed to keep it going and pulling well enough to buggy I would imagine. I actually got it to loop and thought I was going to end up in the next town before it was all over but it made it around in a shocking rate for such a big kite. Just as it was getting fun the wind started to pick up to about 10 mph and I could feel a serious tea bagging coming on so I reached up and pulled the brake leaders at the knot and it came down quick and easy.

I think I will call this one "The blue moon" cause thats about how often I will get to use it around here, but when I do I know it will do the job!:thumbup: