Okay, so I had the beamer 3.0 for about 2 weeks. In stronger winds, I got lifted a few inches off the ground a couple of times, and it was so much
fun I decided that's what I wanted in my next kite. So I bought a 6.3 Crossfire on discount for $370.
Mistake? Maybe. I put the kite up this week for the first time in about 10 mph winds gusting to 16 mph. It was definitely a whole world apart from
the beamer! Instead of trying to get the kite to pull me off the ground, I had trouble just keeping my feet on the ground, nevermind being pulled
across the field on my feet or butt. About every pass the kite made overhead lifted me two or three feet into the air!! A couple of times I let it
drift down into the power zone and it really pulled me up, probably 4 or 5 feet. I was careful to keep it overhead when I got off the ground, so the
landings were nice and soft. I know everyone says that jumping is dangerous, but how do you even keep from being pulled off the ground with these
bigger kites, I don't think I could keep my feet on the ground if I tried.
Anyway, it was loads of fun, but so tiring that I had to put it down every 10 minutes to catch my breath.furbowski - 6-5-2008 at 10:37 PM
you should get together with a 90-pound teenager named kevin kaya on racekites!
poor bugger wanted to jump, so he got a 5m (approx) rage for his first kite...
light winds!
good luck....
furboBeamerBob - 7-5-2008 at 02:56 AM
That kite is really serious for a beginner in gusty winds. Very lifty kite that is quite punchy with no adjustable bridle. Things happen before you
know it and they would happen BIG. You shouldn't be flying it in winds that pick you up without your instruction yet. I've become a jumper now after
a year of flying many different kites in various conditions. I'm still timid and usually will put a kite away if it starts "teabagging" me. You can
have fun with that kite but keep it under 12 mph winds for quite a while, especially if it is gusty like that. I would wear a helmet every time with
that kite unless you have steady winds under 7-8 mph and don't intend to jump at all.dylanj423 - 7-5-2008 at 07:23 AM
Perhaps you should look into getting a smaller kite for those gusty big winds. If you really like crossfire as a kite, I would consider selling mine
to you, I'm lookin to upgrade.
I weigh 190 and 16 mph winds with my 3.2 will still pick me up. I would be a bit scared of the 6.3... but, as mentioned above, pads are our friends. I
recently learned to put them on EVERY time.Bladerunner - 7-5-2008 at 07:52 AM
Sounds like you found the top end for that kite :D
Smaller more fluid motions are probably key. Sounds like you were over doing it with the steering. Slow it all down a LOT and you will find things go
a lot smoother.
I think that is a very good kite to learn to jump with you just need to fly it in lower winds until you are it's master . I also think that there is
no size of kite and no speed of wind that says you are safe to go without a helmet. Just put it on EVERY time and then you won't say , like so many
others, I should have, but ! ! :duh:PHREERIDER - 7-5-2008 at 08:27 AM
condition selection, gusty air ain't so good, it's hard to resist getting a kite out, you want fun not pain, gusty air is rough on you and rough on
the gear.
beamer 3.0------ you got it right there, "it was so much fun" that should be telling you something.
struggling with a hot kite in hot conditions (for you skill level) ain't so good.
FUN remember that, stick with that
cool your flying!
peaceBeamerBob - 7-5-2008 at 08:36 AM
I can't disagree about the helmet and pads. I just don't use them in sedate predictable conditions. Last time I flew, I had winds that were from
2mph (kite falls to the ground) to 10 (makes me take a few steps if it hits me low in the power zone. So, I didn't feel compelled to lid up. If I
have winds that are going much above 10 or they are gusty above there, I feel compelled to put on the helmet. I've never heard anyone say, "I wish I
hadn't worn a helmet today" so I'll say that is great advice and some that I will heed more than I have been. Pads are really a good idea too if you
need to do one of those rolling landings.
The Crossfire II 3.2m would actually be a step up in intensity from the Beamer. It pulls harder and hits harder than the Beamer does. It will
provide some lift too. Be careful with that, it would be like kissing your girlfriends best friend. Could be fun but you could get hurt. SandMan2 - 9-5-2008 at 06:10 PM
I don't feel like the 6.3 is out of my control. I know how to launch it on the side of the wind window and I can always let go of the bars when it
gets to be too much. I had to do that once already b/c it wanted to pull me forward into the air for a face plant-I launched with too much power.
The only thing I feel like I can't predict is how high it is going to pick me up in the air, that always feels like guesswork.Insect0man - 19-1-2010 at 12:19 AM
Originally posted by SandMan2
I don't feel like the 6.3 is out of my control.
Famous last words? Anybody know what happened to SandMan2?stephdip - 19-1-2010 at 05:41 AM
last time i saw him flying by gatineau,quebec in canada and he yeld
something like !!! wanting to meet kami in japan ???hope he made the trip ok hehef0rgiv3n - 19-1-2010 at 08:13 AM