Power Kite Forum

Lake Hefner okc

pyro22487 - 10-5-2008 at 12:40 AM

Ok im just cerious anyone thinking about flying tomorrow if the weather holds down at lake hefner im not sure what the winds are needed for buggying I know that for my kites its going to probably be to strong but anyways. I just want to actually see it done in person i will probably head out there about 4:30 hope to see someone out there and i hope to not see any storms tomorrow.

JoJo1 - 12-5-2008 at 09:52 AM

Sorry, I could not reply to you sooner, but I was at my parents house in Texass for Mother's Day weekend. Do you live in the Oklahoma City metroplex? What is your buggy skill level? The Hefner field is a great buggy field, but it is also dangerous for new buggiers due to how tight the field is. Have I met you before? I ask these questions, because I have worked very hard with the city parks department to keep this field a kite specific field and not have it turned into a bigger parking lot and that said I welcome new kiters to the field, but when it comes to traction kiters I like to know their skill level so we do not lose this location to kite. I don't want to sound harsh, but I don't want to see someone have an accident and lose the field I have worked so hard to keep. You are more than welcome to come meet up with us locals anytime. my contact info is jromanek@cox.net or 405-245-9470 give me a shout anytime and I will be glad to meet up with you.

Big John

pyro22487 - 16-5-2008 at 09:19 PM

im new to buggying never tried it. i fly static mainly i just ant o see people do it in person before i try doing it . especially with the kites i have. i actually live in choctaw i normally fly at a field on 23 and liberty drive its between post and westminister i think. do you know anybody that is willing to teach a newb i really want to try it before i go and buy a buggy.

pyro22487 - 16-5-2008 at 09:22 PM

contact info is pyro22487@cox.net and cell is 4058180960 and sorry for the typos im doing all this off of my phone so yea.