dgkid78 - 11-5-2008 at 04:55 PM
Hey Guys just noticed on my HQ Depower bar today. The Rope not sure of the correct term, that leads out from the bar is fraying a little bit very
close to the bar and i am afraid one day its just going to snap while i am leaning back against the kites pull and hurt myself. Anyone have any tips
on what i could use for now to make this puppy last just a little longer? it's not fraying greatly so i don't think theres a saftey issue just yet.
just want to slow it down. duct tape maybe?? :ticking:
Bladerunner - 12-5-2008 at 02:28 PM
I think you aren't getting an answer because people are confused. You say " HQ DEPOWER BAR and then talk about the line that goes through the bar
going to the BACK lines ????? That doesn't jive ?????
With a DEPOWER bar the chicken loop line runs through the bar to your TRIM STRAP. and then your FRONT LINES !!!!!!
With a FIXED BRIDLE BAR the line runs through to a pulley that joins your back lines ! You would only be counting on that for braking and a bit of
assisted steering. It doesn't hold any weight when jumping or leaning back.
Is it a Fixed bridle kite or a Depower you are flying ?
Replace it with climbing rope !
dgkid78 - 12-5-2008 at 03:21 PM
I am flying a HQ Montana 2. (Depower kite) on the bar my left is red and my right is blue. there is rope coming off the sides where it is red and
blue. where i put the lines that run accordingly. This is where the rope is fraying. the middle is the gray lines. LOL really? people c'mon .
thought i was gonna get my eyes scratched out LOL sowwy
replace with climbing rope? but how? how do i actually get inside the bar to make my knot? M green at that stuff.
Bladerunner - 12-5-2008 at 04:08 PM
I never mean to be harsh. Sometimes things just read that way. 
I'm not familiar with the HQ bar. Some of my depower bars have a stopper ball below the handle to hold the leader lines in place ?
From the Photo it almost looks like you have to replace the whole end bit ???
My Naish bar has a plastic sleeve on the rope. A product called " heat shrink " would probbly be the thing you are looking for. We use it on wire as
electricians. You can probably get it at home depot ?
dgkid78 - 12-5-2008 at 04:35 PM
HAHA I'm just goofing around. It's all good:singing: I guess they are right about HQ you get what u pay for and like most people say the bar
does suffer. I will bring it to work tomorrow and see if our maitenence guy can just take a look at it. he can fix anything. if that doesn't work
out. I might just have to fork over the $200+ for another HQ bar. Ugh Wonder if anyone has ever tried another bar other than HQ's on a Montana and if
so what would work.