NPWfever - 11-5-2008 at 10:13 PM
Here's what came out of kiteboard2b's kitewing suggestion. I used the frame of one tent, and the polytarp floor of the other tent. I rode down the
street on my skateboard with it, and my god does it lift, when its level its kinda like ah crap this thing sucks, pop the AoA and it tears your arms
off, its gonna pick me up for sure. I'm pretty happy, and it packs down and sets up in about 5 minutes. No battons, not sure if I will, its pretty
nice as is. It has those 2 downtubes in the front now and that helps alot.
NPWfever - 11-5-2008 at 10:15 PM
Here is the other side
PHREERIDER - 12-5-2008 at 05:48 AM
WELDNGOD - 12-5-2008 at 07:06 AM
You go dude!
krumly - 12-5-2008 at 08:30 AM
Nick -
Cool. Does the boom twist side to side much? Look slike the kitewings have lateral struts that both brace the boom and give you extra places to hang
on to.
Looks totally McGyver, like you just whipped together a prototype to get going. Ride on.
Bladerunner - 12-5-2008 at 09:00 AM
You never stop amazing me ! :wow:
Ride On !
Sthrasher38 - 12-5-2008 at 09:10 AM
Good job bro!
Kiteboarder2B - 12-5-2008 at 12:55 PM
Cool deal Nick! I'd be interested to give that a whirl around the block.
I am looking at the pics from my phone so I can't quite tell, but it looks like you have no wingtip extensions? If not, find some flexible/strong
material that you can slide into your frame ends, sleeve them around the sail, then add nylon webbing and a buckle to the end of the wingtip extension
and the end of the sail. Pulling the sail tight like that will increase power and stability.
Good luck and watch the kitewing videos to learn how to turn, etc...
NPWfever - 12-5-2008 at 03:27 PM
Yeah this is really become the test bed, I got to ride it today, and it was a really nice change from kiting! It was sooo much easier. Would be nicer
on those high wind days, I can even take LE tubes out and have the frame work with 2 sized sails. I am going to go back and make the sail out of
ripstop, and have it tight. And I need to replace one of the tubes where it kinked. And take extras with me next time!!!!
NPWfever - 12-5-2008 at 06:52 PM
Ok so ripped off the tarp, and working on a nylon sail, and reinforced the frame where it broke and added better cross struts, ill have pics up later.
Kiteboarder2B - 12-5-2008 at 07:48 PM
Sweet Nick, looking and sounding good! You might consider some Y-tubes that run from about where the bend in your mast ends up to the leading edge.
This allows more comfortable handling plus will better performance all-around. Since it's a wing and not a sail and your body is the mast, it's better
to have your leading edge hand above the powerful pivot point your trailing edge/sheeting hand becomes. This gives you a lot of leverage against the
wing and gives the wing a more aerodynamic shape in the wind, which makes the wing awesome upwind. It also allows you to move your leading edge hand
further up the Y-tube giving you more leverage and decresing the profile of the wing to wind. It pretty much serves as another AoA. Give it a try and
see what you think :-)
macboy - 12-5-2008 at 07:58 PM
Dude - if you ever get into your own manufacturing and need investment let me know. You're gonna go places man!
NPWfever - 12-5-2008 at 10:21 PM
My kitewing 2.0 has the Y-tubes on it. They seem like they will help alot, and I think a tight nylon covering will be better than a loose tarp one.
And I will have some reinforcment line from the bend on my mast is to the wingtips, it flexed alot when I used it. BUT ITS SO MUCH FUN!!!! :ticking: