Im telling you folks, this bar rocks. A total noob to SLE/inflatos and 16 meters seemed a bit intimidating but to rig and self launch a 16m Bularoo is
so simple. Best calls for moving to the edge of the window, weighting the tip, and not hot launch. I concur but did a couple hot launches, WOW!
Anyway. the rear lines have OSR or oh sh*t handles to aid in landing/launching. Hook your leash into the OSR loop and unhook the chicken loop, the bar
flags out as does the kite (downwind and inline with you). What I discovered was during a self launch, hook your leash into the OSR handle, attach to
a ground stake or board, walk up and grab the bar, then walk back. Hook in, and the kite rises on its tip, then up and away she goes. Very simple,
safe, and effective. Ill post some pics next time out of the bar and kite positions during this process. Again, a great bar, and safety features!DenisLaMenace - 20-5-2008 at 11:37 AM
the bularoo is a 2007 model, so did you buy the 2008 bar apart ?
soemone knows what the 2008 bar has more than 2007lunchbox - 20-5-2008 at 11:50 AM
Perfect timing on the post Tridude. I've been seriously considering purchasing a Bullaroo 16m and like you, I'm a newbie to SLE's. The self
launch/land concerns me so it was nice to read your comments.
As you mentioned, pics would be great.
What do you think about the Bullaroo?tridude - 20-5-2008 at 12:26 PM
Buzz, its an 08 as is the bar. LB, I purchased from and got it for $500. Retail is $950. Got a deal on the bar as well. I ordered
on a Monday and was flying Thursday afternoon. As for the kite, very sweet. Stable, very grunty, nice lift with extreme float, and depowers very well.
The EZ pump system is nice and pumping takes just a little under 3 minutes to inflate LE and batons (ok you ram airheads take your shotz). I cant
compare build quality to other inflatables but its put together very well. I went with the Bullie for the land/water option. The bar is amazing as
mentioned, a great package. Bigkahuna has alot of time with his Bullie quiver and sure can add alot more. I was hesitant too, and the Flysurfers are
so good other depowers Ive flown dont measure up (the 7m Montana 3 wasnt far off my 7m Pulse) but the Bularoo has delivered so far. When powered up,
it turns darn fast, depowered not so much but not slow. She sets a little deeper in the window and has ALOT of grunt. Winds have been up here for the
last week but Id guess upwind not problem in 12 kts ( I weight 190). My recommendation is go for it, you wont be disappointed......tridude - 20-5-2008 at 12:33 PM
Buzz, the man difference I can tell is the 08 bar has the OSR handles on the rear and front lines so the kite can be landed and secured using any of
the four lines. Once you deploy the rear or front line OSRs, the kite flags out and isnt going anywhere.DenisLaMenace - 20-5-2008 at 01:35 PM
you're tempting me for a 13m :singing:Sthrasher38 - 20-5-2008 at 03:07 PM
Congrrats on the new toy's tridude. Have fun.DenisLaMenace - 20-5-2008 at 07:49 PM
hey tridude
just read a bunch of reviews on the bularoo
overall great kite, stable, floaty, etc...
may be the Pulse of the LEI
but one things comes back often is the slow leaking bladders
any problem with that ?
what about yours Bigkahuna ???tridude - 20-5-2008 at 08:22 PM
early dayz on the Bullie but no problems with LE or batons leaking................................PHREERIDER - 21-5-2008 at 05:54 AM
Tridude i have been tempted by the bularoos as well. THe winds here in HHI HAVE BEEN ON. i WILL BE IN CHAS 5-31 COULD BE FRI AS WELL. U2U FOR
DETAILS.tridude - 21-5-2008 at 06:10 AM
sorry folks I had the addy wrong, its, Im 50 next month!tridude - 21-5-2008 at 06:14 AM
yep the winds have def been up, gusty too, and the Bularoo has done very well..............IOP, Sullivans, or Folly, Ill let you make the
call........................If the winds dont cooperate, Folly for some longboarding? Ive got 3, you bring the wax!
Originally posted by goldendmd
Tridude i have been tempted by the bularoos as well. THe winds here in HHI HAVE BEEN ON. i WILL BE IN CHAS 5-31 COULD BE FRI AS WELL. U2U FOR
PHREERIDER - 21-5-2008 at 06:31 AM
THANKS CHADbigkahuna - 21-5-2008 at 07:00 AM
but one things comes back often is the slow leaking bladders
any problem with that ?
what about yours Bigkahuna ???
Nope, no problems yet (knocks on wood). A couple tips that might help: first, be sure to unplug all valves in the kite after each session (leaving
the valves plugged stretches them over time) and be extra careful not to allow dried salt or sand to accumulate on the threads and gasket of the main
fill valve.tridude - 21-5-2008 at 08:23 AM
You must have the 07 with the threads. The 08s have fill and deflate plugs. I do believe the 07 and 08s have check valves in the batons that open up
and begin inflation once the LE reaches approx 5 psi. Thanx for the unplugging advice. Ive done that each time out to this point. Still getting used
to the sound of air bleeding out during pack up.Reckless - 22-5-2008 at 04:48 AM
What was teh shipping like on that kite?
I have just bought a 10m from the UK but $500 for a 16m sounds like a great deal and I really want one
Thanks.tridude - 22-5-2008 at 05:01 AM
shipping from Minnesota to South Carolina was $27.50! Ordered/shipped late Monday afternoon and arrived by 1130 Thursday morning...........Needless to
say, happy camper here! I was waiting on an 08 bar from another dealer but found extreme, made an offer, accepted, done deal and fast! Just found out
yesterday that Lunchbox (PKF member) has dealt with extremeairsports and had a similar experience.
Shipping to your location can be tricky but if they gift it, it shouldnt be more than $50/25 squids and no duty VAT............Reckless - 22-5-2008 at 05:09 AM
I just checked out the sight and they are quoting $1209.00 without shipping.
How did you get your so cheap?:puzzled:tridude - 22-5-2008 at 05:26 AM
use their ebay store listings....................sent u a U2Ulunchbox - 22-5-2008 at 12:36 PM
I just checked out the sight and they are quoting $1209.00 without shipping. How did you get your so cheap?
Hey Reckless,
Similar to Tridude, I saw several of there listings on ebay (not the bularoo's but the Flexifoil Rage). Saw a great price on a winning bid and called
them up and asked if they would match it. They did. I also called them up on my Rage 6.0 and asked them what they could do...They said $280 RTF...Done
BTW, gear was as and shipped quick.KiteProject - 22-5-2008 at 01:07 PM
extremeairsports are knowledgible, friendly and reliable. I've missed out on some great deals from them.Reckless - 23-5-2008 at 12:45 AM
Thanks for all the advice Tridude and Lunchbox.
I have just bought the Bularoo '08 16m in teal blue for $600. I offered $500 but they countered and to be fair Im not bothered. It works out to £340
deliverd and you can only just get a 10m over here for that price so Im super stoked!:singing:
No I just neeed to get my board and a wetsuit and I will be fully kitted and ready for summertridude - 23-5-2008 at 06:07 AM
congrats....a wetsuit for the summer?.............oh thats right youre in the UKReckless - 23-5-2008 at 12:42 PM
Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.......:Ptridude - 26-5-2008 at 06:19 PM
you can borrow mine but Ill need it back my mid October