Power Kite Forum

Ozone Control Bar Setup

Toby Brason - 22-5-2008 at 12:00 AM

I have just recently bought a HQ Beamer III and a Ozone Four Line Safety Fixed Bridle Traction Carbon Control Bar.
I need help with how to rig up the control bar as i can't find anything on the net.
I think i got a good idea but need it clarified.
Thanks for the help.........:thumbup:

macboy - 22-5-2008 at 11:12 AM

I might be able to help out if it's similar to the bar used on the Access (depower but could be made to work) or the one that came with the Rage (fixed bridle). What specifically do you need to know?

NPWfever - 22-5-2008 at 11:32 AM

Ok, so the brakes go to the inside lines, so the line that goes throught the bar, and the powers go to the lines on the ends of the bar. I believe, it may work the other way around, I would try both and see which works better, but i am 99% sure its the way I said. Good luck and welcome to the forum! Hope ur here to stay! It's a great community!

macboy - 22-5-2008 at 11:40 AM

Sorry, NPW's got it....fixed bridle bar setup - brakes to the inside lines that pass through the bar. Sorry didn't read the post intently enough to see it wasn't a depower bar.

Toby Brason - 22-5-2008 at 01:46 PM

Thanks for ya help. I'll be testing it tomorrow!:spin:

Bladerunner - 22-5-2008 at 05:24 PM

If the kite acts funny odds are the brakes are too short. If you don't get any brake action when turning the bar the lines are too long.

SCREWYFITS - 23-5-2008 at 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Bladerunner
If the kite acts funny odds are the brakes are too short. If you don't get any brake action when turning the bar the lines are too long.

I'm unsure about the Beamer but on my Bullets the break lines are fairly slack... I was unaware that I could get break help by having my lines a lil less slack... :puzzled:Hmmmm... :puzzled:Thanx...:thumbup: this is great advice because that would change a lot in the way I think about the bar......
After trying handles I didn't think I'd go back to a bar unless it was depower... but now...:singing: it's worth a try...:D
Thinking about it... how does it give break action? :puzzled:

Toby Brason - 23-5-2008 at 03:57 AM

Cheers Bladerunner, its my first time setting up my own control bar so all advice is good!

tridude - 23-5-2008 at 04:05 AM

Originally posted by Toby Brason
I have just recently bought a HQ Beamer III and a Ozone Four Line Safety Fixed Bridle Traction Carbon Control Bar.
I need help with how to rig up the control bar as i can't find anything on the net.
I think i got a good idea but need it clarified.
Thanks for the help.........:thumbup:


power lines go the the bar end leaders, brake lines to the center of the bar. Tweak your brake line lengths. At a minimum, you should be able to reverse launch with the brakes. If the Beamer 3 flies anything like the Beamer 2, the middle knot on the brake leaders is a good place to start. If you're just starting out, use the handles that came with the kite. You will get more out of the B3 with handles until you learn the kite. I personally prefer flying fixed bridles on a strop. Good luck!

Bladerunner - 23-5-2008 at 07:40 AM


I liked my 7m Bullet on a cross-over bar !!! My 4.5 Bullet HATED ANY BAR. My 5m Ace was O.K. on a bar but way better control on handles.

With a single Pulley through the brakes you should get a passive amount of brake action as the lines rock back and forth. With the Cross-over that brake action is 2-1. In both cases you still have a bit of an arc on the back lines when in neutral.

HQ has come out with a cross over bar on the Scout. They may sell the bar after market ?

acampbell - 23-5-2008 at 09:48 AM

The Scout cross-over bar is indeed available seperately. 20" and about $114.

The configuration is slightly different that what has been posted here but the result is much the same.

TimScoutBar.jpg - 30kB

Toby Brason - 23-5-2008 at 01:15 PM

All is good with the control bar, it blowed 22mph today so i'm glad to have had the harness and bar setup well. It worked great after a bit of messing about with the brakes. I ran on the 4th knot set and had good control over reverse flying and takeoffs. Jumped pretty high and got some reasonable hangtime-but need more practice with my tecnique.

What advice can i get for riding my board back up the beach.... the beach runs north to south and the wind comes in off the sea from about NNW.(as an average). I had no problems gettin down the beach but couldn't run back up against the wind...i just couldn't find enough power to move so directly against the wind!....help?

Bladerunner - 23-5-2008 at 02:46 PM

Getting back upwind on a side shore wind can be a lot like work !

You can only fly on a certain angle upwind. How much depends on the kite and your skill. So you must do a large number of cross beach runs gaining just a little ground each time.

A 3m Beamer is pretty far from being a jumping kite. It's not overly lifty and not big enough to float you when you do go up so be careful. !!

Have fun and be safe !!

Toby Brason - 23-5-2008 at 02:58 PM

Note taken, i have found it drops me quite hard so i'm taking it easy just to build some skills and confidence in control of the kite....which is going well so far.......the beamer III i have is a four meter kite but from the reserch i'm doing i may need a bigger kite to jump safely??? It pulls me up pretty well though. Fun stuff!:karate: