richard7676 - 1-6-2008 at 02:05 PM
Just got a 4m Beamer III and trying to train the 13 year olds with a buggy. They are heading eventually to the water with me so I want to set them up
with a bar setup. My front lines on my waroo hook in to the spreader bar and pass thru my bar, so they dont move. Brake lines move with the handles.
My question is, How do I properly set up 4m Beamer III with a bar?
NPWfever - 1-6-2008 at 02:25 PM
You don't set up a fixed bridle kite on a depower bar, you will need to buy a fixed bridle bar from one of the companies (not sure who makes them) It
will teach them how to steer using a bar, but not sheeting, you can't sheet a fixed bridle kite. Is the trainer foil on a bar? If so, teach them how
to fly that, then put them on the 5m in the buggy, that will teach them how to fly depower far better, as it is a depower. But if you really want to
get the most out of a fixed bridle in the buggy, keep it on handles, and use a strop.
SCREWYFITS - 1-6-2008 at 02:30 PM
The power lines connect to the bar ends and the break lines connect to a leader that slides through the center of the bar, and has a kite killer
attached to it...:singing:
The only trick is to get the break lines just right... a lil slack but not too much slack...
Good luck...
HQ has a bar that is a lil more extravagant and has power rings that work better due to it utilizes the breaks for turning... same idea though, power
to the bar ends and breaks go to a web of lines that pull the correct break when pulling on the bar... It's a very nice bar for the dough...